First Muster: Chapter 2

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Yeora's brows knitted, confused at what the king is pertaining to.

"What true form are you pertaining to your majesty?" she asked him.

The king scoffed and stared intensly at her and she could feel it.

"You dare lie to your king blatantly?" he warned.

"I'm afraid I don't understand what you're saying your highness. This is my true form, I am just a mere human," Yeora protested.

The king gripped her wrist tight and pulled her up to stand infront of him. Her height is fairly short so the king is towering above her.

"You're going to stand by that lie then. You know I am capable of slaughtering the whole university," he whispered beside her ear with sinister tone.

She shivered at the thought of the king killing all the people she know back at the university but she is confident that she is a human. What confuses her is the king's delusional thought of her being a vampire.

I could've been more beautiful if I am one.

She sneered to herself.

The king can still hear her heart fastly thumping and he knew she's not feigning her distress. Yeora's chest is still hurting but she kept it to herself. She's almost out of breath when the king moved the hair away from her neck exposing it to him freely.

"We shall see if you're truly a human or not," he warned but he just wanted to end Yeora's pain in her chest without any particular reason.

He feels something different about her but he's not sure yet so he must cover his own purpose.

Yeora's eyes widen when she saw the king's fangs once his tongue darted out to lick his lips. A low growl is emitted from him and her knees became so weak she lost her balance but the king held her stable by gripping her waist.

He nears her neck and she held her breath in anticipation at the pain. His fangs sunk into her neck effortlessly and he started to suck the blood from the two punctures his fangs made. The warm blood immediately coated his tongue. Her blood is sweet and warm. No trace of vampire blood, not a hint.

He's beginning to get confused but his attention is the feel of his tongue on her smooth skin. His body begins to burn with desire as he sucks blood more. Yeora can feel her consciousness drifting away as the pain on her chest lessens. The feel of his mouth into her bare skin was surprisingly pleasant. The way he sucks her blood wasn't painful at all. The only pain she felt was when his teeth bit her hard and then it went away leaving a sensual feeling she has never felt before.

She feels like her body is betraying her. Her mind says to cry and panic but her body demands more. The king's grip on her hips tightens as he digs his fingers deeper into her warm skin. He has never felt this way before. It's not the virgin's blood that's new to her, it's the arousal his body can't deny.

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