First Muster: Chapter 4

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The doctor temporarily gave Yeora strength for the royal audience for the afternoon. He can't quite seem to figure out what is wrong with her since her body and inner soul is locked up real tight and secure. It made Seokjin curious and worried at the same time.

"The humans must've sent her to kill Jimin," Seokjin hesitantly said his guess out loud to Alice.

Alice gasped in response and looked at the sleeping Yeora in the bed inbetween them.

"It can't be. Humans wouldn't dare," Alice doesn't believe a word the doctor just said.

"It was just a guess Alice, we still don't know what that spell locks inside. Until then, we need to care for her just like how we would with Eve. If you think she can change the king, then do what you know deems fit," Seokjin said before snapping Yeora back to consciousness.

Seokjin guessed that her body is deteriorating since her true self, whatever a creature she is, is losing energy and life.

"Accompany her to the Purple Lagoon this weekend. The king will be away and try to ask help from the vampire mermen. Hopefully, they'll be able tp undo the spell," Seokjin said to Alice before they leave.

Now, Yeora is beside the throne kneeling on the floor. The slits on her dress displayed her beautiful thighs and it distracts the king so much that he has to move his finger to subtly send air to pull the fabric up to cover the exposed thigh without Yeora noticing.

Jimin focuses back to the prime minister and crossed his legs as he watches the him squirm uncomfortably in his seat.

A sheer white curtain was in between the throne and the chair where the president sits. No human was to see his face, not even the prime minister. The curtain was sheer just enough to show his figure and his startling crimson eyes. Yeora's kneeled figure was also seen by the prime minister.

"You don't have to be afraid Prime minister Yu, you're here to be congratulated. I am accepting your sacrifice. And for a very long time, you finally succeeded," the king's authoritative voice echoed in the throne room.

Yeora just bsowed her head and refuse to look up to neither of them. Jimin's feast just a while back is still vivid to her and strangely, the scent of blood made her throat burn, she felt so parched even though the doctor has given her enough water to drink back at his office. She is afraid of the king after what she saw.

"You are given the permission to proceed with your Festival of Acceptance," he said and dismissed the prime minister without him even being able to talk.

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