First Muster: Chapter 8

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As the two nears them, Jennie can feel her hands sweat. Her red eyes zeroed to Yeora's face and she could not believe how she resembles her causin Yeowang whom she treats as her bestfriend and sister. Her heart wrenches at her sight. Sure her crimson eyes are now soft brown ones, her black long hair are now brown wavy ones, her cheeks are tinted healthily with blood and her lips are a shade of soft pink but she knows her presence.

Behind those imperfections, she can see the perfect image of Yeowang hiding behind her facadé.

They said she was dead.

She whispered in her head.

She's here, she's alive and hiding in a human's body. Why is she hiding? Is she cursed?

As soon as Jungkook and Yeora are close, Jennie immediately smelled her vampire blood locked inside, only a true celestial vampire can.

"Yeowang?" her voice break.

Yeora didn't look up since she doesn't recognize that name.

Jimin's brows raisedms in confusion.

"Her name is Yeora your highness," Jungkooj smiled brightly at Jennie distracting her trance from Yeora.

Yeora finally looked up to meet her crimson eyes and for a moment she felt like something inside her screamed so she covered her mouth in attempt ti quiet herself down but she didn't. She just screamed internally but that voice was far too beautiful to be hers.

"Your highness," Yeora bowed to Jennie in attempt to distract herself from all the confusion her body has been experiencing ever since she came to the castle.

Jennie thought Yeora is just pretending so she just went with Yeora's act.

Jennie kept quiet but she's trying to communicate to Yeora through her mind but it feels like she can't hear her. She's just quiet and as if she just doesn't remember anything.

Jungkook and Yeora has already left to do what they have to do and it's been 30 minutes since they've left. Jennie has been restless in her seat and finally excuses herself to go look for Yeora and try to clear things out.

She was roaming the castle in full speed until she spotted Yeora's figure pass by. She immediately pulled her and brought her to the top of the highest tower of the castle in a blink of an eye.

"Y-Your highness," Yeora bowed, clearly startled at Jennie's sudden moves.

The air whips around and her hair flies behind her.

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