Second Muster: Chapter 40

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The castle once again is in chaos. The merprince has finally woken up and he's been looking for blood. Yeora watches him going bersek, destroying every single thing in his room. His strength hasn't come back yet so all he can do for now his flip his massive bed upside down and all the other furnitures inside. The king is on the hunt for what Jungkook craves, the mystical carnivor shark that was said to go extinct but Lisa swore she saw one so they both set off deep into the ocean to find Jungkook's food. They ate assisted by the Poseidon's huntsmen.

Yeora studies Jungkook who has now similar orbs as her, electric purple. His once vibrant hair becoming dull and his lips turning white. She tilts her head to the side and leans on his door frame. Jungkook is aware that she's watching but the burning in his throat keeps him from behaving.

"I know how you feel," Yeora spoke and walks pass him sitting on top of his now upside down bed. She crosses her legs and rauses her left brow.

Jungkook stills for a bit and turns his back against her. He bites his lip trying to figure out how to response to that.

"You wanna have a taste?" Yeora offers her wrist to him. She's now beside him, her left wrist near his nose.

He can smell her vampire blood at this close proximity but he's not one bit enthusiastic about drinking her blood. Yeora senses his disinterest so she lets her human blood flow through her veins making thr merprince's eyed dilate.

"Now we're talking," she teases making Jungkook lose his control. She lets him push her against the wall, she tilts her head to the side exposing her neck to him. He licks his fangs and attempts to sink it into her porcelein skin.

"I don't think there is a need for that prince Jungkook," Jimin's velvet voice stops him.

Jungkook retracts and walks away from Yeora. He follows the scent of the mystical shark out of the room and into the hallway.

"How dare you offer yourself to another man?" Jimin growls pulling her against his chest.

Yeora smiles and hugs him. "I've missed you," she purrs but the king is not having it.

Instead, he sinks his fangs into her neck making her wimper. He then sips small amount of her blood and unlatches. He then licks her punctures seductively while grabbing her ass. Yeora chuckles and grabs his crotch in response.

"Your majesty, the merprince isn't only bothered by his hunger. I was hoping I could get into his mind thtough that bite," she explains making Jimin smile.

"I know," he answers and crashes his lips on hers. His tongue invades her mouth and in an instant, they are both all over the place and strips each other down.


"I can't believe this is happening," Jennie whines.

They've been here for 12 hours and to no avail, they can't find the book.

"Just a little bit more Jen, it's just around here," Yoongi encourages her.

They're both hungry and tired and frustrated. Nearly giving up, Jennie backs away stumbling into a pile of books that are on the floor near Yangmu's large desk.

The books were spread out on the floor, fairy dust flying everywhere. All the books looked similar making Yoongi just look past it but Jennie tries to pile it back on it's original place. Scrolls are also stored under his desk and once Jennie looks away, something reflected the light under the table covered by the scrolls. She crawls under and hope it is what she think it is.

 She crawls under and hope it is what she think it is

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She pulls the heavy book out and dusts it. Her hands caresses the velevt cover of the book and the crest on the center. She opens the book and the pages are full of old scribbles her and Yeora were once reading before in their private lessons. The pages are a bit worn out but she can clearly read the big header of the first page.

Hidden Kingdoms

"It must be somewhere here," she muttere to herself and calls for her husband.

"I found it!" she declares and starts jumping.

Yoongi puts down the books he's holding and runs to her. "Finally," Yoongi holds the books.

"I think we should leave, we've been here for too long," Yoongi says to Jennie.

"It's time for Yeora to find The Havens," he adds.

"This would be a challenging journey but I know she'll be able to find it," Jennie nods.




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- Haeun♥

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