First Muster: Chapter 24

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The rain is pouring again in the vampire realm. Servants have been bustling around the castle to retrieve the clothes they've hanged earlier this morning for drying.

Jungkook's eyes becomes blurry as he tries to run as fast as he can to the castle.

"Hyung, I know you can hear me. Please meet me by the great doors," Jungkook pleaded as he jumps over a large log in the forest.

Rhe king immediately stood uo fr his throne and went to the great doors just as what Jungkook says. When he arrived there, Jungkook halted, soaking wet and heaving. His eyes are bloodshot and his lips are quivering.

"What is it Jungkook?" Jimin asked in alarm.

"Yeora's dead,"

As soon as those two words left the prince's mouth, Jimin momentarily stopped everything in the castle. He freezed everyone except Jungkook. The rain has stopped and the prince clenched his jaw. He knew the king would react this way.

People are already gathering around Yeora's lifeless body in the middle of the road. Blood is spilled everywhere and Taehyung could only watch from where he is. His heart is panicking but he wouldn't dare show himself. Anytime now, the king and prince will arrive and he trusts in Jungkook.

It was an unfateful day. Yeora was hit by a car and caused major damage in all her vital parts. Her eyes are still open but her lungs aren't working. Her heart stopped beating and Taehyung knew it'll be too late once the king and prince arrives.

He watches as Lisa approaches her lifeless friend on the road. Her hands are shaking and her tears are falling.

"Yeora, please wake up," was all she could say once she held her cold hand.

Both Taehyung and Lisa's guards are aware when the king's presence is in the air. They can feel he's here and the anger and grief lacing his presence made them tremble. Jimin stopped time again as he slowly emerges from the frozen crowd.

Lisa stands up and steps aside as the king walks his way to Yeora's dead body.

He effortlessly lifted her dead body and holds it close to his. Her ones warm body is now cold in his arms. His tears starts to swim in his eyes and a low growl can be heard from the back of his throat. He could feel his knees getting weak but he held on for the sake of Yeora.

Taehyung could only look at them as they go back to the vampire realm. He follows closely behind but was pulled back by Jennie.

"You promised me!" Jennie's voice cracks as she contains her sobs.

A tear fell from her eye making Taehyung break into pieces again.

"I'm sorry," was all he could muster.

"No! You promised me you'd protect her! That was your only job Taehyung!" now Jennie's mad.

Her crimsom eyes are now shining with anger and Taehyung knew his eyes were the same. He took two strides and hugged Jennie tightly.

"It's hurting me too Jen," he whispered. "It's hurting me to not be able to save her and touch her and carry her like the king," he sobs into her.


Hoseok watches as Jimin tucks her lifeless body into her bed. Alice was so shocked to see her all bloodied when the king requested her to clean Yeora's corpse. Jimin kisses her lips gently but Hoseok caught a tear fall from his eye.

It's breaking the king.

He is batteling with his mind whether to tell the king a solution or not. But as he watches the king cry, he figured he deserves to know.

"Your majesty, may I suggest a solution for this?"

Jimin looks up at him.

"The forbidden gift," he curtly says and Jimin's gaze goes back to Yeora.

He shifted his gaze back to Hoseok.

"But that's considered as black magic Hoseok. I can't bring her back to life. She won't be the same," Jimin tries to not think about it but he is tempted to.

He's willing to do everything just to see her alive but it would breal his heart more once he realizes she won't be the same person as she is.

"You could just turn back time and come see her in the human realm earlier. Forget about Mihyeon and deal with her later. Just save Yeora," Jennie was the ome to come up with the best solution.

"There's only one thing im exchange," Yoongi reminded.

"What is?" the king sounded desperate.

"She'll forget about us," Jungkook answers in realization.

"This way, you won't need to use the forbidden gift. It won't take half of your life. You'll only have to turn back time," Hoseok said.

"If she forgets about us, then so be it," Jennie says.

Jimin takes it into consideration. He sits still beside Yeora's corpse on the bed.

"Alright, I'll do it," he finishes with determination.


The king watches as the sun rises for the third time today. It's his thrimmird attempt in going back to the perfect time where he needs to go and save her int human realm. Those two flops where a little too late that he had to watch her get hit by the car twice.

He rushes back to the human realm and spots Yeora who's about to cross the road. People are bustling around so he had to be quick. Just as she was about to get hit by the car, he finally was able to reach for her hand in time. He pulls he hard against his chest making them both fall om the ground.

A loud screech can be heard from the crowd when someone was hit by it in place of Yeora. Jimin closes his eyes and smiles while he hold Yeora on place. His arms tightly wrapped around her unmistakenly alive amd warm body.

"Excuse me sir," Yeora spoke starling the king.

He unwraps his arms around her and helps her up. Those brown eyes he grew accustomed to stares back at him with curiousity.

"What the hell was that?!" she yelled unexpectedly.

Jimin's eyes grew wide and then it hits him.

She forgot everything.


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