First Muster: Chapter 12

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Halfway through the hall, Yeora pulled her hand away from Jungkook's grip.

"You're highness, I get that you're concerned but Madamé Rebecca will only get mad at me for this. She might punish me," she said to the prince who got more annoyed at the king's stupid decision.

"No, you're coming with me. You haven't yet eaten and we need to find you a pair of shoes," he growled.

He again pulled her wrist and went to the kitchen. All the bustling cooks and staffs halted when Jungkook entered the kitchen.

"Your highness," the head staff acknowledge his presence.

"Feed her something that would help her heal those bruises," he said and they immediately got into assembling her meal.

"You stay here, I will be back with a footwear you may wear," he said and went off.

"Aye young lady, you can come and seat here. Your food is ready," the head chef called for her attention.

A large aray of food is being placed infront of her as the head cook seats near her.

"Dig in," he gestured to her warmly.

"Aye, the rumors are true. You are beyond beautiful," he said with pride.

"No wonder the king has took liking on you and accepted you as the sacrifice," he added.

"Thank you sir," Yeora smiled at him.

She ate to her heart's content and realized that even though they're in the vampire realm, humans are still the castle's workers.

"Oh no young lady, we're half vampires, all of the castle's workers here in the kitchen. Some are full vampires and some are full humans for the castle's other staffs," the head cook corrected her as if he had read her mind.

Her curious brown eyes gave off her impression without even saying a word.

"I see," she nodded.

She gulped down a cup of fresh water and stood up.

"Thank you for the food sir, I should get going. Madamé Rebecca might be looking for me now," she said and bowed.

"Very well," he said. He's also curious why she's wearing working clothes and why she has a ton of bruises all over her body.

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