First Muster: Chapter 23

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The whole castle has been really gloomy these past week. Althought Yeora has left almost a week and a half, Jimin has been feeling the same.

He feels like a total shit. 

Hosoek studies him with keen eye and decides that he's been too quiet for long enough. So he stood up and pulled the body away from his grasp.

"You're majesty, that's enough," Hoseok's demaneour changed but the king is too stubborn.

"Leave me alone Hoseok," he growls but his advicer is much more concerned towards him than scared.

"Cut the crap Jimin, if you want to go after her then go. You can't just stay here moping your ass off," his tone is irritated but laced with pure convern.

"I can handle it from here," he reassures and as if that was a great idea, the king's face lit up.

"Can I really do that?" he ask the vampire.

"Ofcourse you can do whatever you want, you're the king. But just don't forget your duties here," he patted the king's shoulder.

Jimin wipes off the blood from his chin and smiles genuinely for the first time.

After he took a bath, a witch came into the throne room panicking.

"Your majesty," she kneels before him and Jimin can sense the panic she's feeling.

"Calm down, what brings you here?" the king crosses his legs.

The witch look behind her and faced the king.

"I made a grave sin your majesty, please forgive me," she said bowing to him.

"What is?" Jimin asked.

Just as she was about to speak, the dorrs to the throne room threw open with a bang and Jennie is dragging a heavily pregnant Mihyeon by her neck. The witch started shakinh so much that Jimin can hear her teeth chatter.

Jennie's eyes are pure black and her nails on Mihyeon's neck are digged deep into her skin making her bleed. Mihyeon is shaking herself and crying.

Jimin stood up by the immense power that the celestial vampire is radiating. She's too ngry to even care and in an instant, Yoongi and Hosoek entered the throne room.

"What's going on here?" Jimin asked.

"Ask this mistress of yours what she did," Jennie's voice is scary and Yoongi knew she might kill the pregnant vampire in an instant.

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