Second Muster: Chapter 26

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Yeora looks around the room to search for Taehyung but was startled when she was met by so many pair of eyes. They're scrutinizing her as if she's a new toy. She shifts awkwardly and wonder why they would stare at her that way.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asks her.

"Yeah, yeah," she answers, clearing her throat.

Yeora met him 2 days ago when she was grocery shopping. He heloed her carry the paper bags she was struggling with and both had the chance to talk since Yeora offered to drop him off to his apartment.

"You seem nervous though," he said.

He knew why she is acting this way. All the vampires in the room is looking at her in a wierd way making him purse his lips.

These idiots

He commented.

"Alright, I think that's it for today. Don't forget to bring your homeworks tomorrow," Yoongi dimissed the class.

They all stood uo including Yeora and Taehyung. Jimin was about to go talk to her but Jungkook pulled him back.

"Hyung, we need to let her be comfortable first before we approach her. She's also new here, I think she needs to adjust first," Jungkook said.

The king stares longingly behind her and lets her go.

"You're right," he says.

"Where's your companion by the way?" Jennie chimes in.

"She can't be here. We need to take precaution. Lisa is still in her memory and thinks that she's in the vamoire realm," Jungkook answers her.

Jimin stays still as he listens to where Yeora and Taehyung is going. He eavesdrops in their conversation nd tries his best not to go grab her hand and drag her back to the vampire realm.

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