Chapter 5

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CHAPTER 5- The Hunt and Hurt

When I arrived at the park, I slink into a cluster of bushes and crouch down. I let my senses take control, scanning for any sign of him. As a shape shifter, I can pick up on every small detail around me, like the ant hill overloading with it's busy workers, or the young couple strolling through the night a block down.

Like the residue of the killer's scent.

Yesterday, I'd been dragging a robber's unconscious body into street lamp's light, when I'd heard a slight rustling from three alleys down, north of me.

After I had made sure the man was safe, or as safe as he would be before the cops found his sorry ass in the morning, I'd slipped into the shadows and had crept along the street shadows before coming across a horrific scene.

A man in a dark blue padded jacket was shoving a poor woman's body behind a dumpster, and was trying to get rid of the blood stains all over the street floor. 

I'd made the mistake of snarling and pouncing right out of the protective shadows, which was what tipped off his instincts to propel him sideways, right out of my reach. Once he had gotten to his feet, he'd raced to the corner gas station like his life had depended on it.

Which, it kinda had. 

I mean, I wouldn't have killed him, not unless it was life or death for me. That's happened to me in the past, and I'm not proud of it.

I would have chased after him all night, but running to the Arco had been a wise choice, though he probably hadn't know it. I couldn't have taken him done in plain sight. No, I had to fight him in the shadows, where no one could call 911 to report a rabid black panther attacking a man. 

So I'd turned back around and sniffed the cool night air, taking in his disgusting scent. It would have lingered for the next couple of hours, but all I had needed was one small whiff, and it'd be in my brain forever.

Before scaring off the coward, I had glimpsed his slender face and a flash of recognition shot through me. I had seen this punk before... But where?

After a quick sifting through the memories of the past couple nights, I had hit jackpot. He had been the man that'd been walking briskly through the park the other night, hands dug deep in his pockets. He'd had a beanie on that night, but I still could recognize him anywhere. My eyes had slid over him after a quick assessment, checking him off as some druggie looking for his next fix. 

But now I knew better.

Back here in the present, I do a quick surveillance of the night, making sure this is a good night to break my usual routine.  

After about an hour of peace and totals boredom on my part, I decide enough is enough. It's time to get my lazy butt off the grass and into the mission. So I saver these last few seconds of rest, yawning and wiggling my tail. 

Finally getting up, I take in a deep breath, nostrils flaring as I smell his oder not too far from here.

My guess is he's at downtown, where the city life is thriving at this late hour. 

Breaking into a sprint, I relish the feel of my muscles coiling and recoiling as my body flows with the rhythm of my paws hitting the pavement. I love the feel of the wind and the bitter cold against my fur. I don't need some pesky pills or liquids to feel exhilarated like humans do. Running through the night is what it takes for me to achieve this wonderful natural high.

By the time I arrive in downtown, it feels like only a few seconds have gone by, way Too short to call off that amazing run. But I know that I have the killer to deal with, and that's the most important thing right now.

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