Chapter 23: Lover

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(This is the last chapter guys. 🥺)

Anyway on with the story!

"Was you." Those were the words MJ was able to somewhat compute at that moment. She couldn't speak, did she hear Peter right? Did he just confess that it was her he's liked all along? Holy crap! She could barely process it all.

She stood there in silence, what was she supposed to say? How was she supposed to say it to not screw it up? So many questions were running through her mind, then she remembered she had to say something.

"Whoa, th- that's a plot twist." MJ said. Seriously? That's all I could come up with?! What the heck is wrong with me? She thought.

Peter walked closer to where MJ was standing. "Yeah." MJ seemed nervous now, no longer granite. "I think... I think I might even be in love with you." MJ was whispering now. And Peter was moving forward.

"Say that again." He said, resting his hand on MJ's cheek.

"What are you doing?" MJ caught Peter's eyes. He would have loved to tell her, except he didn't even know what he was doing.

"Say that again." Peter said, softer this time.

"I think I might be in love with you." There were those darn butterflies again! He had to do something to get them out. So Peter put his hands on her cheeks and the tint became even darker.

Something came over Peter as he pushed MJ back lightly, and softly placed his lips on MJ's. MJ was surprised and struggled a little bit, but started to kiss back. To Peter this kiss felt... right, besides having never kissed a girl in his life this one with MJ felt right. He has never felt this way before, well Liz being his previous crush which since he's moved on from.

Peter went easy since this was his and her's first kiss, he didn't want to smash his lips to scare her. The kiss was soft and sweet that made Peter's stomach have butterflies and never wanted to end. They stopped for a few and went right back in for a while.

Soon they pulled away leaning their foreheads on each other, they smiled. She was in love with his humor, the way he made her laugh, even if she was really upset. She was in love with his kindness, the way he always stuck by MJ through everything and made sure to cheer her up.

She was in love with his smile, the way it could brighten up a room. She was in love with his hair, which always looked so soft and easy to run fingers through. She was in love with his lips, so kissable and easy to daydream about.

MJ couldn't believe this was happening, she finally kissed the boy of her dreams, she finally got to tell him she loves him. Peter couldn't believe he kissed her, he actually went up to MJ and kissed her!

"Wait, so what are we now?" MJ asked.

"Oh, I didn't get that far, if you wanted to I thought we could maybe go on a date?" Peter suggested.

MJ smiled, "Yeah, I'd like that. As long as I get to pick where we get to eat."

Peter chuckled, "You've got good taste in food, so I trust you."

"Good, so it's a date Mr. Parker."

"Indeed it is Ms. Jones."

They both smiled, the mood surrounding them was calm. There was no drama, no fights, no splitting up, no broken promises. Just two teenagers who finally found what they were looking for.

A lover.

After a few dates (not wanting to rush it.) Peter and MJ made it official. They were finally boyfriend and girlfriend everyone around them was happy for them. All except Brad Davis, he would give them jealous looks, but the pair didn't care.

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