Chapter Thirty-Six

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Castian's POV

Flames filled my veins, the concrete I once stood on shattering and exploding. I went dropping into a bottomless pit, the light above me obliterating to nothing. My hands were around my throat as my lungs choked for air. Blood spewed from my jaws as I kept falling for what felt like an eternity, fire scorching my flesh until Abaddon went black and I could breathe again.

Within a blink, I woke and stood in a metallic room, blood seeping from the walls as the floor burned and melted the bottoms of my boots. The flowing liquid from my wounds sizzled and evaporated as quickly as it escaped from my flesh. It didn't take long for my irises to make contact with the Vixen of an Angel, my blood-soaked claws shoving her against a wall by her throat. My pupils danced upon her flinched wings, her pathetic figure, "Can't trap me now, hm?"

Six times she got away with torture. Six times I laughed at her mewling attempts at hurting me. Six times I was bound and restrained. Six times I lay, unable to move or fight back.

"But on the seventh ritual...," I purred, chittering like a hunting bird as my voice became hollow and echoed, becoming more than one, "On the seventh ritual, a God will be born."

The room became thick with black smoke, it danced with the souls of the damned. It twirled and spun, growing high and then dropping low. The sweet pissed-off look she had was enticing, her voice a hiss, "You'd best behave. This is my domain, Young Man."

"You'd best not tempt me. I don't obey Vixens, Cunt. You have no power against me, now," I was quick to shove her wings violently against the ashed wall behind her, her pretty crystals and feathers tinted to grey and black as I growled against her throat. The force of her wings drew out a wince and a flap of them, her throat yelping as I continued, "Tell me what I want to know and maybe I won't tear them from your body, hm? We both know pretty things such as these really would make a fine piece to my collection."

"Unhand me!" Her confidence was bold but mine was overpowering as I forced her onto her knees, shoving her face against the wall, "I will not bow down to such a beast!"

I lifted her chin with my index, smiling into her lips as my other hand grabbed her hair, "I am not the beast here, Darling. Give me what I desire and I'll be on my way. Simple."

Flicking my tongue at her lips and down her jawline, I left little kisses along her collarbone, her voice fighting with rage, "I will not be tainted by the likes of you."

"Oh, but you already are, Little One," A chuckle ripped from my still gushing throat, my claws tearing the collar of the fabric that covered her breasts, "But how pathetic of you to think I want you. If I wanted you, I'd have you. You are a distaste to my tongue, I wouldn't fuck you even if you were to beg and plea that I needed to do it to save your kind. I'd fuck your corpse, though..."

Horror clasped around her face at the sadistic grin I had pondering upon my lips, knowing full well I had been thinking of death plenty of times. Her hands grasped around her breasts, holding the dainty fabric so she wouldn't fall exposed. I stepped back, pulling from her as she snarled, "You're a disgusting man! No wonder your soul is rejected from us! You belong to the Warped and Punished. We will not invite thee to the Purities."

"Yet your body smells like it doesn't reject my actions," My grin grew as I cocked my head to her, tsking as my eyes waved to her lower regions, "Even angels have a scent, Darling."

"Don't be so ill-minded," She huffed, turning from me in revulsion. She had my respect. She knew her chances with me were slim, that I easily had the power to annihilate her, but she remained bold. She kept her dignity and her strength, not daring to cower even if this could be her final moments.

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