Chapter Four

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Lunar's POV

My skin tingled and trembled as fingernails danced along my pale-kissed skin, waltzing to my back entrance before violating it with ecstasy. A groan stalked my throat before ripping from my parted lips, my hands strangling the satin sheets. Delicate kisses twirled against my spine as fingers rutted into my body.

Another hand yanked my head back by my hair, pearly white teeth boring into my soul as a twistedly seductive tone escaped them, "Open your mouth."

My body jolted, my pupils darting around the guest room of the mansion, "Sh-Shit."

Frantically, I stood up and slipped on my turtleneck and sweater, pulling on my shoes as I quietly stumbled out of the room and snuck downstairs. I was in terrible need of getting home, I didn't think I'd fall asleep during the documentary. It was something about snow leopards. I couldn't think of much else from it, only bits and pieces of other episodes... Deer, Tigers, Seals. I remember something about people talking about vampires, werewolves, witches, and so on. I think it was some horror story show, but who knows?

My hand started to turn the doorknob of the front door when the light flickered on, my back straightening, "Mr. Lunar, what do you think you're doing?"

I hesitantly faced Mr. Lincoln, fighting the fire trying to burn through my cheeks as I kept my eyes from looking lower, "I-I need to head home, S-Sir."

He no longer wore a suit. He'd now been wearing black sweatpants and no top. He was muscular with abs and had slightly messy hair. My hair could never look that nice while messy, it'd be a damn rat's nest.

My mind was wandering along the curves I'd gotten from a glance, admiring his tattoos with mental drool. His neck had a tatted wolf fang necklace, it kinda made me think of the anime Inuyasha, but not exactly. His right shoulder had tally marks that made snake scales down his arm, fading into what looked like a woman screaming in smoke on his forearm. His left arm had all its scars tatted, even ones that looked like self-harm saying "I'm Sorry." That arm didn't have much else, probably to give respect to those scars by not hiding them. I didn't get a good look at his chest, and I wasn't about to try and look.

"It's 3 A.M.," He replied, his index finger directing to the stove clock while his eyebrow raised. His tone was threatening like he knew what I was thinking about, "Get back into bed."

"I-I-I need to head home," I dared, nervous as a jackrabbit. Something in me wanted to test my fate and see where it'd take me.

Fuck around and find out sounds nice... For the mercy of Elysium, I will not listen to you, Subconscious... I want to, though.

My breath hitched as Mr. Lincoln strolled toward me, my back against the wall as his hands rested on either side of my head. His irises took my breath away as he cocked, "Don't make me repeat myself."

"I-I-I n-need to get home, M-Mr. Lincoln," I breathed, frozen as we had a tense staring contest. I didn't ignore the amusement in his tone, but I also didn't play games with the threat behind it. I wasn't about to look away, it'd be game over.

"One... Two," A smirk tugged at his lips, his shiny teeth peeking out. I didn't move, swallowing the knot in my throat as his arm lifted to give me an escape, his finger pointing to the stairs. His brow raised once more, the smirk winning its battle as he snapped his fingers, "Final warning."

Why did I want to know what'd happen if I didn't obey? What was so enticing? My mind was beginning to take a stroll through the possible outcomes when movement caught my eye. My pupils darted to Mr. Hayes stepping down the stairs to join us, humored by the scene, "What's going on down here? I take my eyes off you for a moment and you're starting trouble? I can't trust you alone, can I?"

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