Chapter Twelve

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Lunar's POV

Ma rushed over to me as soon as she saw me, Mr. Hayes and Mr. Lincoln wouldn't let me try and hide what happened from her so they had called in advance. They didn't say anything about me being gay. They just told her Anthien hurt me at the park. I let out a weak yelp as she hugged me, causing her to quickly let me go as Dad came out with his .20, "D-D-Dad, what the fuck?! A shotgun is unnecessary!"

"Unnecessary my goddamn ass," He spat, the wrath of demons and blood in his voice, "Look at the state you're in! He's lucky he got a bat instead now where the fuck is he? I'll kill the motherfucker, that's on my soul and heart!!"

I hugged him tight even though it hurt horribly, laughing with a beg as I grabbed his shoulders, "Dad, I-I'm fine. I promise. Put the gun away, I don't need my dad getting arrested for scaring the neighbors."

"They can't do shit unless I'm off my damn property," He ordered, cocking his weapon, "and last I checked; I'm still on it!"

"Dad, for the love of Elysium, please!" I whined at him, pulling out the rare pup looks I hated to pull on him, but I knew it was the only way to get him to listen, "I'm alright. I'm beaten up, but I'm fine!"

"I know my fuckin' rights as long as I'm on my own property I can do whatever I damn please! I also know that killing him can be seen as defending my family so goddamnit, let me do my job as a parent," He muttered, but gave in, trudging back inside and putting his gun away but still bickering, "Y'all never let me have any fun around here. It's not fair."

Limping back over to Ma, I winced as she hugged me, relaxing into her arms as I rested my head on her shoulder, whispering, "I love you, Ma."

"I love you more, Baby Boy," Her fingers combed my hair but her calling that had my face shriveled up and my body pulled away.

I cleared my throat, backing off, "Alright, moment ruined."

"You will always be my little boy, and nobody will ever steal that title from you," She cackled like a witch, pinching my cheeks as they reddened. Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Hayes chuckled as Mathis giggled, Ma pulled me into a motherly hug as she spilled kisses all over my face, hugging forcefully when I tried to escape, "Accept my kisses, Young Man!"

I squirmed as she started tickling me, failing at my escape, "M-Mama, stop! I-I am too sore!"

She stopped as I stuck out my bottom lip, kissing my cheek and petting my hair, "Is it helping you feel better, though?"

I embraced her close, tearing up into her neck as Dad came back out and joined in the hug, "I-I love you guys so damn much."

"We love you more, Baby," She kissed my head again, rubbing my back as I started crying. My fear was spiking at the thought of Anthien coming home, he had a key to the house. It wasn't in his pockets when I searched him, so I couldn't get it off him.

"I-I'm so afraid, Ma," I hugged her tighter, listening to her coo at me as the aching of my body became forgotten, "I-I don't want him to hurt you guys. H-He still has a key. I-I tried to get it back b-but it wasn't in his pockets."

"Why don't we get him inside and we can have a discussion," Mr. Hayes suggested, Ma nodding as we headed inside, "Mr. Lincoln will help Lunar. Why don't you both and Ms. Mathis sit with me at the table, yes?"

They sat at the table as Mr. Lincoln took me into my bedroom, kissing my lips once we shut the door, acid, and pain in his voice, "We've got to take pictures in case we file charges."

I nodded weakly, yelping as he helped me remove my clothing and took pictures of everything. Pain filled his eyes all over again as he did so, his jaw tightening. Slowly, I took his hand, leading him into the bathroom and running some hot water, clenching my jaw as I sat in it,"Pl-Please, join me, ...R-Ryker."

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