Chapter Twenty-Six

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Lunar's POV

The next couple of days were sensitive with Jax so I hung out with him the whole time, even spending the night at his place because I was worried he'd harm himself. It was actually a lot of fun; we spent the entire time goofing off and being idiots. I watched him dance around the campfire we made in the yard, laughing at him as he spun around, "I'd ask if you were fucking drunk, but I know you haven't drunk any liquor."

"Dance with me, damnit!" He laughed as he swayed and twirled, trying to take my hands and make me stand up, making me chortle even more as I stood up, "I'm lonely, I need a dance partner."

He was being a dork but also dancing in a way that was mesmerizing to watch. He knew how to move perfectly, it was seductive, enticing, and erotic in every way. He'd slow and be steady and then speed and be scenic. It was entrancing and made focus difficult.

"I should kick you into the fire pit," I teased as he pulled me tightly to him to slow dance, "You're going to turn this shit into an even gayer fest than my existence."

"You mean that one salsa dance with me wasn't the gayest shit?"

I cackled with a shake of my head and a roll of my eyes, "You still remember that?"

"Oh, I don't think I'll ever forget," Jax scoffed, spinning me around and tugging me back, "Your mother is a feisty little thing, she doesn't take shit from anybody. She's so small but she has a huge attitude when you try and fuck around with her."

"Remember what it was like when you tried to take over the kitchen and cook while she was sick? She scared you so bad you almost pissed yourself."

He started chuckling, "You were an asshole for laughing. Your mother is terrifying when she's mad and that's coming from me!"

We sat on the ground, still giggling as I replied, "You should see her mad while driving. You'll be more frightened. Why do you think my dad never lets her behind the wheel?"

"You know what we should do?" He perked up, grabbing my shoulders excitedly and shaking me as I lifted my drink, "We should go get Matty, Parker, and Clarissa and go hang out at the park. Play some fucking baseball or kickball! Oh, wait..not enough people. OOOH, I know! Have a bonfire and set off fireworks!"

I choked on my Pepsi as I scoffed, looking at him with a glare, "Last time we did that we had to run from the fucking cops. We kept everyone up until five in the morning and one of the fireworks almost killed me."

"Exactly!" He shook me as I coughed while laughing, "It was great!"

"I will be even more screwed with a certain two in the Cadillac, Jackass," I hacked into the ground, hitting my chest since my drink had gone down my windpipe, "They can hear us from their distance, Asshole."

"You're either coming with or being forever crowned a goody-two-shoes!" He stood up, backing up towards the door of his home, speaking like Arnold Schwarzenegger, "You're a choirboy compared to me! A choirboy!"

"I am a goody-two-shoes!" I mocked, slowly following after him so we wouldn't wake the neighbors with his yelling. I rolled my eyes at his End of Days movie reference.

"Fine, a pussy little bitch!" He moonwalked, pretending to rope me over to him, hollering when I still protested, "I WILL BUY YOU ALL THE DUMDUMS YOU WANT IF YOU DO THIS!"

I scrunched my face, defeated as I caved in to his shenanigans, "Do you even have any fireworks?"

"Nope, but I know a guy who's got 'em."

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