Chapter Nine

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Lunar's POV

Ma and dad decided to go on a second honeymoon type of thing, leaving me to tend to the house. I was fine with that...only Anthien was staying at the house. This forced me to be around him because Ma didn't want him left alone.

He stayed here instead of Mathis' because he concocted this bullshit lie about his father abusing him sexually. It was a lie. Mathis' father was abusive to no ends but he never once raped Anthien. Anthien and his father had this hidden relationship and when it was found out Anthien made lies and played a heavily manipulative role of "Daddy raped me! I'm so innocent, boohoo! Pity me, pity me, pity me!"

I hated that my parents fell for this trap, it was a ruse to get closer to me and it worked, but I couldn't tell them the truth. I saw Anthien come onto his father plenty of times, even watched him egg the guy on to abuse his mother. My parents wouldn't believe me if I told them, so I just keep my mouth shut to keep them happy.

With a sigh, I looked back at the black Cadillac, a pained expression in my eyes as I knew Mr. Hayes and Mr. Lincoln couldn't do anything unless they had to. They stayed back and kept quiet for my sake and sanity; they weren't happy with it but respected my wishes. Swallowing my courage, I stepped into the house, hesitating to turn the light on but before I could blink Anthien beat me to it. A smirk formed on his lips, "And you thought you weren't my plaything. Look who's stuck with me for the next week. We're going to have so much fun!"

Stab him with the kitchen knives you've got to your left. Shut up, Subconscious!

I pushed passed him with an annoyed tone in my voice, "Go to hell."

"Only if that ass of yours is with," He sneered, following me to the backyard, backing off once I lifted a wooden bat. His eyes danced to my grabbing the bag next to the bat, his body settling down to find it was for softball. I wish I could beat him with this bat, honestly.

"Come on," I grumbled, pushing passed him as I carried the stuff to Mathis' house. Today I couldn't knock on her door, her father had the day off, so he was home. I lifted a small pebble, tossing it at her bedroom window and waiting for her, waving at her as she peeked out.

"You're early...again," She smiled from her window before vanishing into the house. She jumped on me once she was outside, noticing her brother, "Oh. Now, I understand."

My eyes narrowed at the small lingering scent of perfume, looking her over and spotting the makeup she'd tried to remove, "Matty, explain."

"E-Explain what?" She defended, my suspicion growing rapidly as I chased after her when she began to walk, "I-I have nothing to explain."

"I see the makeup you tried getting off, I smell the lingering perfume," I retorted, walking backward from her as I put my hands on my hips, "You hate makeup. You went on a date, didn't you?!"

She followed me as we walked, scuffing her shoes with embarrassment as we spoke in hushed tones, not wanting her brother to hear as she fumbled, "K-Kyle came into town."

"Mathis," I reacted, stopping in my tracks, and making her look at me, my voice soft but stern, "You better be careful around him."

"I-I know, Lune. I know," She frowned, sighing defeatedly as she rubbed her arm nervously, "I-I thought I was over him this time. After having sex with him his attitude seemed to change towards me, ya know? I don't get why he left town."

She had this tone of a wounded puppy, her body trudged and small like she was having millions of thoughts in her head trying to figure out the answers. Pulling her into a hug, I whispered, "If he hurts you, I'll run him over with dad's car. That's a threat and a promise."

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