Chapter Twenty-Three

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Lunar's POV

Glimpsing over to Mathis, I watched as she climbed up a tree, cocking an eyebrow as she put her index finger over her mouth to motion me to keep quiet. Right above Jax was a wasp nest. Tapping Parker, I tapped my nose and motioned with my eyes to look up. He did, holding a laugh, "Hey, uh, Lunar, why don't we get some milkshakes for the group? I sure am parched!"

"Sounds good to me, what do you say Clarissa?" I held my laugh with a vigorous nod, standing up and shrugging, "Care to join us?"

She tilted her head, confused, and then followed where we pointed, her eyes wide with fear, "S-Sure! Race you?"

"Deal!" We cackled, gunning it as soon as Mathis cut the nest down. She practically launched herself off the tree as she ran. She was a lion pit of laughter, menacing and sadistic.

"Nice try, but they left the nest months ago. It's a little too chilly for them to stick around. Kiss my damn ass, Matty," We watched as the nest landed next to Jax, his face not even reacting as only a few wasps fell out, his hand lifting and flipping us off as he continued flipping through his magazine, a bored tone. He put his magazine into my bag, standing up and coming over to us, "But seriously, I want a milkshake."

"Fuck you," Mathis folded her arms in disappointment, a pout on her lips before she attempted to hop onto my back.

"You Lazy Bum, you can walk!" I scoffed, ducking, and watching her tumble.

"Somebody is no fun today. Did you get fucked too hard last night?" She whined as she ruffled my hair teasingly. Jax starting to laugh had my pupils be daggers at him, his hand miming a zipper and padlock as he kept quiet. He proceeded to pull out a package of a special type of cigarette. It was a type that wasn't filled with tobacco but burnable, powdered blood. He always did it when he was needing some blood, but he hated drinking around Clarissa, he was worried about scaring her over it. This just encouraged Matty, "What happened?"

Lifting the lighter, Jax lit the cigarette between his lips, chuckling as he puffed smoke at Mat, "Ask pretty boy here, I'm sure he'll be more embarrassed."

She looked straight at me, getting in my face, "Spill!"

I skid to a stop so I wouldn't run into her, almost stumbling, and knocking us both over, "I don't need to spill shit, damnit. Jax, you're an asshole! Nothing happened!"

"Bullshit, you're blushing," Parker teased, pointing to the Cadillac, "And I'm sure they aren't helping."

"Sometimes I wish I could do the neck-snapping thing to you all so I could run away," I huffed, watching as Jax blew out pretty red smoke, glaring at his devious little smirk.

"Payback is such a wonderful little bitch, ain't it? Almost as beautiful as today is. I love this time of year, don't year?" He sighed devilishly, looking up at the sky and then at me with a cocky grin. Leaning against the wall of the Shop, he watched as Mathis wrote down what everyone wanted, "Tell them Jax wants Strawberry."

He winked at Matty. Clarissa was clueless and just thought he meant actual strawberry. Praying Mantis looked at him with a small frown but nodded. She didn't approve of his waiting to tell Clarissa the truth, but at the same time, she understood it. Parker and I sat on the sidewalk, leaning on opposite ends of a lamppost, Parker perking up after a moment, "I haven't had shit from Anthien since the Play. Have any of you?"

He had a point; the Play was weeks ago and I hadn't gotten anything from Anthien. At least, I don't think I did... I put him on silent a long time ago, he'd always get a new number when I tried to block him. I furrowed my brows, pulling out my phone, "I haven't gotten any threat since the day after the Play. Has he been to the Club?"

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