Chapter Ten

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Lunar's POV

The rest of the week dragged ever so grudgingly, but I had found a way to sneak Mr. Hayes and Mr. Lincoln into my bedroom without being seen. I was embarrassed, though. My house was Poorer than their lifestyle and nothing could ever prove that wrong.

They fondled a few of my snow globes, my anxiety racing as I watched them. I had a very nice and expensive collection of antique snow globes, all fixed and shined to look new. What little money I had was spent on them and the last time one broke I cried for days. They're my prized items, my comfort.

Don't drop, don't drop, don't drop!

Chuckling, Mr. Hayes placed the snow globe back in the spot they were in, noticing how close I had been watching him with them. Quickly, I stood up, fixing their positions, and finally letting out the breath I had been holding, my shoulders dropping as I relaxed. My lungs felt like they were ready to collapse from the lack of air and level of stress.

"Somebody needs to relax," Mr. Lincoln kissed at my throat, slipping his hands into my shirt, the fabric sliding up as his fingers teased my nipples and skin, "We still need to punish you over the softball incident, especially since you never gave an apology. That was incredibly rude, very impolite. Quite disrespectful."

A weak groan surpassed my lips, a tremble traveling down my spine and dancing back up, "I-I'm sorry, Mr. Lincoln."

Mr. Hayes chuckled into my neck, joining Mr. Lincoln in kissing my flesh, his breath teasing my skin, "How many times must we tell you? You may say our first name, Lunar. There's no need to be so formal with us outside the Office."

He toyed with my belt, the sound of the buckle filling the silence before the zipper replaced its sound, my pants dropped, and then my underwear. It sent chills throughout my body, both from being cold and the thought of getting caught hidden in the back of my mind. Mr. Lincoln slipped my shirt off my torso and over my head, tossing it onto the ground, nibbling my skin, "Are you apologizing to escape punishment, Pet?"

"N-No, Sir," I mewled weakly, blushing as he trailed his fingers through the drapes of my window, toying with them sadistically, "I-I'm not, n-no."

"I believe somebody is," He smirked as I started trembling against him, pushing me against the window after he opened it, such actions had me weak, "We can't have that, can we?"

"A-Anthien's in the n-next room," I flushed adamantly, as he taunted with my hair, "a-and my n-neighbors are h-home."

"I guess you better keep quiet, then," Mr. Hayes chuckled with a cruel look in his eyes, holding my wrists above my head and against the glass, forcing me to lean with my rear close to Mr. Lincoln, "and cum soon. Wouldn't want the neighbors seeing, hm?"

Shivering at the cold feeling at my entrance, I let out a feeble, shy groan, my legs being forced open as Mr. Lincoln pulled his shaft out of his jeans. I bit down on my tongue as he pushed aggressively into me, my flesh burning momentarily as tears welled up in my eyes, his grip on my hips tightening as he rutted hard, "...F-Fuck. ~"

He grunted with each thrust, his nails digging into my skin as he held me firmly still. I could feel myself throbbing along with him. His pulsing seemed to make my body tense and tighten, only encouraging him to go harder with a quicker pace, filling me more forcefully and faster.

"Awe, somebody likes the humiliation. Little One wants to release, yes?" Mr. Hayes watched with a grin as I struggled to keep quiet, chuckling as he eyed between my thighs. He laughed at my pathetic excuse of a nod, my head dropping as I moaned, "Not happening. You want to cum? Break the rule. You don't have our permission."

"B-But I n-need permission, S-Sir," I soughed weakly, my legs trying desperately not to give out, "I-If I c-cum without p-permission I g-get punished f-further. Th-That's not fair."

"Then I guess this will just keep going," He grinned as Mr. Lincoln finished, dismissing my whines as if I were a puppy to food, "No matter how much you beg to be finished."

Mr. Hayes didn't bother to strip, just like Mr. Lincoln, leaving me to be more humiliated as he pulled his base out and shoved it in, replacing Mr. Lincoln with no remorse for my embarrassment. My face burned. This was the first time Mr. Hayes had entered my back entrance, he usually took my throat.

A sharp cry escaped my lips as he fucked hard into me, he went a lot harder than Mr. Lincoln did, making my knees powerless and almost buckle from under me. Mr. Lincoln watched as he wiped himself off, smirking at the drool that dripped down my chin, "Pathetic Pet. So easily ruined and used. Must you be so tragic?"

My cheeks heated further, Mr. Hayes rutting harder. I could feel the semen from Mr. Lincoln dripping down my thighs, trickling its way to my carpet, "Y-You're making a-a mess...M-Mmph. ~"

"Deal with it," Mr. Hayes chuckled, shoving me against the window so my chest pressed against the glass, a shiver spiking through my entire body, "You're going to make your own mess, Little One."

A small utterance escaped my lips all over again from his ramming, my knees buckling just enough for the cold glass to touch my tip and send me overboard, my body releasing cum as Mr. Hayes held my hips up and finished his load, "Wretched Little Exhibitionist."

My face lit up as he threw me onto the bed as if I was nothing, doing it on purpose so they both could watch how exposed my back entrance was and knowing full well they could easily take advantage.

Mr. Hayes cleaned himself off as Mr. Lincoln wiped me down, a weak moan escaping my throat as he smiled into my neck, chuckling as I raised my hips to his hand, "Fucktoy, that's all you want to be for us, Pet? Knowing damn well we do as we please, yes?"

He pushed me onto my back, chuckling at how little effort he needed to make me hard all over again, biting my nipple and sinking his fangs into my flesh. Mr. Hayes joined us both on my bed, dipping his fangs into my thighs with sharp pain, a chuckle escaping his throat at my bucking, "A masochist, too? How lucky of us to get such a treat."

Biting more, they both began marking me everywhere, smirking against my skin as I continued to buck when they'd bite harder, all the marks making little hearts on my flesh and bruising shortly after being left.

My body filled with pain and ecstasy the more they continued, Mr. Hayes rubbing my shaft while Mr. Lincoln worked below that, weak groans and moans leaving my lips. The little sounds echoed quietly and sadistically around the room, taunting me with their song.

"Cum, Pet."

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