Chapter Thirty-One

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Castian's POV

Something about the Kid wanting to hang out with me and involve me in things tugged at me. He was different from the rest. Everyone always wanted something out of me, but his aura only spoke that he just liked being around me. It made me nervous, but it also made me feel things I hadn't felt in a long time. I'm so used to being numb and isolated, having a short fuse and explosive temper.

"There's a hole you can get up here through! Just go around, the ladder looks pretty sturdy!" I walked around inside the top part of the silo he'd watched me climb up, looking around as I fixed my bandana, coming back over to the opening and calling down to Lunar. My steps carried me back around as a comfortable sigh left my throat, my foot kicking shit around, and my palms flipping a sheet of metal around, "Hot damn, you're a beauty."

The sheet lacked rust and dents and was the same size as a snowboard. The ridged edges could cut off a head if you swung it correctly, and I couldn't help but catcall to it as Floid finally reached me. He tilted his head as I strolled towards where I could keep climbing, following me as I scaled to the very top of the silo. This cornhouse was the largest of two, a beam connecting them both at an angle from the tops of them. I laughed at the Kid's face as it went pale, he could tell exactly what I was planning as he stammered, "Ar-Are you insane? Are you trying to get yourself killed, Castian?"

"No! Try not. Do or do not. There is no try," I laughed as I quoted Yoda, running down the beam and sliding on the metal sheet like I was snowboarding. I whooped and hollered as I watched the sparks fly against the contact between the metal, turning around and backflipping off the beam.

I didn't dare to lie. I'm not going to deny that I don't exactly want to live. I hope to die every waking moment. However, I am one who heavily believes in fate. I'm not going to kill myself and end my existence before Elysium decides I've been around long enough. If Apollyon wants and/or needs me, he will come to me. Until then, I'll tease that motherfucker like teasing a Sub with his or her pleasurable orgasm and make the Brat beg for me.

I grabbed another pike and balanced on the side of the smaller granary, cackling at Lunar's hands over his face as I quoted Yoda further, "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering!"


Lunar's POV

I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked over to Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Hayes, still hanging out with Castian as Mathis and Jax joined us at his garage and house. I was more distracted by the two in the Cadillac than my friends. Mr. Lincoln usually has a lot of focus on me when I look over at him, but today he seemed tired. He was constantly leaning his head against his seat and closing his eyes. This morning he was also avoidant and quick to head out the door. He's always alert and keeping me in sight, but these few days he's been everywhere away from me and exhausted. Mr. Hayes even had me leave him alone. I'm worried and afraid. Scared he's sick or hurt but also afraid that he's losing interest in me or is mad at me. I'm ninety-nine percent certain it's the first half, but paranoia and the hidden thoughts are gnawing at me like a pack of hyenas to a sick lion.

I hope he's alright. Something I whole-heartedly agree with, Subconscious.

Shaking my head, I turned away from the window, drawing my focus back to my friends. Jax and Castian were trying to wrestle, but Castian was pretty quick to win, so it wasn't wrestling. Mathis and I sat side-by-side, but she was messing around on her phone. I held pity for Jax. He's pretty strong and skilled with things like fights. However, Castian made him look less than a beginner and like he couldn't lift more than a kilogram. Jax was using every form of knowledge he knew on how to kick ass and Castian had him pinned within a blink.

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