Chapter Thirty-Two

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Lunar's POV

Something told me Castian didn't stay home, that he'd followed us home because I barely had to dial his number before I got a text from him and then a knock at the window. I wasn't going to ask any questions... I was just glad to have a support system.

He was grumbling and muttering things under his breath, helping with packed boxes and possibly using it as a distraction not to lose his temper. His eyes glancing towards Matty and her mother, swears slipping from his throat as daggers were at the visible bruises.

I was still annoyed with Mr. Lincoln, growing irritated at Mr. Hayes. Both were still acting funny, but I refused to let my mind become clouded with such questions. With a huff, I kept avoiding Mr. Lincoln... Mostly just because I knew Mr. Hayes would push me away from him. Cast handed Matty's mother his car keys, "Don't scratch it."

They both opened their mouths to argue, Castian's pupils dilating with a cock of his head. The motion of a gentle challenge to say, "I'm not going to hurt you, but I dare you to argue."

Matt was quick to snatch the keys, tugging her mother along and obeying the order. We watched as they followed the Cadillac, my hands fumbling with packing more boxes. The hostility grew the moment they were out of view, my voice a murmur when I felt he was going to speak his angered mind, "Please, just help me pack stuff up and behave."

I saw his jaw wiggle from the corner of my eye, a low snarl slicing the silence as he gradually backed off and helped with everything. The lack of sound seemed to bug him more, his voice waltzing out, "At least tell me about this prick."

"Well, Praying Mantis' father is a drinker," I sighed with a lazy shrug, Not too keen on the subject but knowing it was needed, "He seduced Matty's mother, made her think he was Prince Charming and the best man on the planet. Then when they married, he showed his true colors and abused her heavily. Matt says her mother told her they moved here because her father wanted to. We're guessing he did so to isolate her from the rest of the family. Mrs. Le'velle says things weren't so bad it was just an occasional name call. However, when they had Anthien, things got worse. Anthien got verbally, mentally, emotionally, and physically abused. She says he never had a single hour without some form of abuse happening."

Just hearing myself say those words had me feeling remorse and empathy for Anthien, but it turned vile shortly after. He's not an abuse victim anymore. He's an adult, and he hurts people willingly. You can be abused and learn to not abuse.

As quick as the stress of it rose, it was gone. He's learning from his mistakes and getting better. That's what matters. I wish it were easy to forget the trauma, but it's not. I need to remind myself again and again; that he's learning. He's getting better. He's not an asshole anymore.

"He doesn't usually get physical with women, b-but he's gotten worse with drinking and anger issues. A couple of months ago, he and I got into a fight, and he tried to choke me out. I didn't even really do anything, I just asked him if he could stop drinking for the night, and he threw his bottle at my face and got physical. Mathis risked her ass to save me," My hand involuntarily rubbed my throat, flashbacks dancing through my mind before I finished packing a box. Castian had me pause so he could take a box outside, having me continue as he returned, "He gets worse when his buddies are around and doesn't care who hurts or who he pisses off. I've seen him bring hookers home around his wife as she's cleaning or cooking him food. It breaks her heart and makes her cry on the porch all the time, but he doesn't give two shits about it. A few times he's abused her around them and threatens to do the same if they don't do as they're told."

You could see the fire of anger in Cast's irises, almost literally. It seemed like the red was moving, but when I tried to pay more attention to it he drew his eyes elsewhere. My brows furrowed, and my head shook as he took boxes outside and climbed back through the window.

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