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Lunar's POV

Flashing lights, pounding sounds, flushing skin. My body heated. My lungs weighed. My mouth choking and gasping for air. It was like their touch was killing my soul. My eyes leaking fluids. My thighs struggling for closure.

Everything was sore. Everything was high. Everything was encased in everlasting sensations. I couldn't deny the joyous things that were happening. My legs trembled by the talons that tickled down them, my breath hitched as my hips bucked.

It was maddening the things they were doing, sickening how they made me yearn. Utter torture, their touch was a killer. The look within their eyes was inescapable, haunting. If this was how death feels I'll be in bliss while Hell consumes me.

"Sweet little whore..," They purred into my skin, claws ripping my flesh from my thighs as a pleasured moan left my throat.

Gasping, I shot out of bed. My throat was tight as my lungs grasped for air. My hands felt all around my sweaty torso, my eyes landing on my thighs. It was just a dream..part of me grimaced, "F-Fuck."

Why were these dreams becoming so frequent? This was the third one in a week. I get them rarely, why were they so persistent?

I brushed it from my thoughts, getting showered and dried. I didn't have the time today to ponder on nonsense. Though, I wished to just do that instead of my plans. I wanted to go back to dreamland...

"Time for an impression," I breathed, looking at myself in the mirror as I combed my hair back. My nose scrunched as I gave it a stylish messy-yet formal look, brushing my teeth as I slipped on underwear and black skinny jeans, "You can do this, Lunar. You've got this. Nothing to worry about. It's totally not like your parents are weighing down on your shoulders. You're going to get this job! Just believe in yourself, ya know?"

Lady Elysium, you're a loser. Agreed, Subconscious, now shut the fuck up. Abaddon's Goddess can't help me with that, so praying to her is useless.

I fumbled with my red and black plaid shirt, my confidence deteriorating with each button. What if it's someplace formal and expensive, where they expect fancy clothes and money? We aren't rich, we're poor.... I don't want to shame my family or disappoint my mother.

With a sigh, I got my socks and shoes on. I can't overthink this. Even if I do, it's not like I can chicken out. My parents are expecting me to go to this interview, and I refuse to upset them just because I'm being a coward.

I grabbed my bag, beanie, and sunglasses. Sliding down the stairs, I spun around my mother when she tried to kiss me good morning, "Ewe, Ma. I'm not a child anymore, I'm twenty-one!"

I was never one for physical affection, it made my skin crawl and my nerves felt like ants eating me alive. I know she hated my rejections, but I'd rather not feel like hurling by saliva touching my cheeks or skin grazing mine. I love my mother, she's been amazing. She's put up with so much, but I hate physical contact with a burning passion.

"One of these days you're going to miss my kisses, Sweetheart."

"Well, today is not that day," I teased, as I slipped my beanie over my head, and started to head out the door.

"What about breakfast?" She called after me, holding up a plate of waffles and a glass of orange juice. An eyebrow raised as she frowned, "Don't leave on an empty stomach, Dear."

"I just brushed my teeth and I've got to head to the interview! I'll see ya later! Love ya!" I hollered, hearing her familiar laugh as I shut the door behind me, pulling my sunglasses over my face and slipping my earbuds into my ears as I turned Pandora on.

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