Chapter Twenty-Four

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Lunar's POV

It was kind of weird, watching Anthien shift. His bones crackled and popped, breaking in gross ways. It didn't seem to scare me, just gross me out a little from the bones crunching and snapping. His skin stretched, tore, and melted. It was also strange to watch fur grow from his flesh. He cried out from it, too, which meant he wasn't very used to Shifting. I watched him hit the ground, "F-Fuck, c-can you back up? It'd be better if you weren't so close, your presence is stressing my wolf out and it hurts more than I'm used to."

His words had me doing as requested. It was confusing to not feel afraid. I was more fascinated than anything, admiring the bones as they molded into a wolf's anatomy. His wolf was larger than the usual breed, with white and silver fur and a lot of fluff near his neck. His eyes were golden while his ear tufts had silver to black, drawing more attention to his face. Stepping over to me, he lowered, motioning to get onto his back. Hesitating, I got on, holding tight when he started trotting away from the apartments. I pulled at his fur when I realized where he was taking me. He growled in response, motioning to some wolves that were looking around, "I am not going to Kyle's! Isn't there a better place to hide?"

A roll of the eyes was all I got as he started moving again, ducking through a few alleys. He set me down, scratching at the door and waiting for it to open. When it didn't, he set me down, leaving me by the door, with an annoyed snarl. After a few moments the door opened, Anthien holding a towel around his waist with one hand and Kyle's throat with the other, "Next time get off your bitch when I come over. Don't think I don't know your business with Matty."

"Owe, fuck off!" Kyle bared his canines, silenced by Anthien's snarl being louder as I was pulled into Kyle's house, shutting the door behind us. Kyle was his bitch, this interaction proved it. Between them, Anthien was the Alpha. I wondered if that made Kyle the Beta or if there was someone else, making him the Omega. I didn't have sympathy if he was the Omega.

"We'll wait here for about an hour, or you can call Ryker to pick you up. Either way works," Anthien looked at me with a shrug, heading into the bathroom and coming back out with pajama pants, "Those guys are Rogues. They hang around the Canine territory and just like to hang out. Claims are usually good 'fun' for them."

At that my phone vibrated, drawing my attention to it; We're parked outside.

Anthien looked out the window, opening the door as he slipped on a tank top, Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Hayes stepping inside of Kyle's place. I nuzzled into Mr. Lincoln's chest, trembling at the howling outside, my nails digging into his back. I was most afraid of the male I'd met earlier coming for me, he had so many tallies I'm sure he didn't remember all their names. I quivered at the possibility that he probably did, I didn't want to be added to such a list.

"Ah, that howl won't cause you harm. Give me a second," Anthien grinned, heading outside and cupping his hands to yowl, "It's just Lucy, she's pretty good at mimicking a howl."

"What did you do this time to piss the Rogues off?" Skating with rollerblades, Lucy rolled to the door, laughing and dancing. Looking passed them all, she saw me, "Lunar, Hello! That explains their looking!"

I wasn't surprised to see her and Leville being on speaking terms. She had an agreement with anyone and everyone that she was a friend to all, just leave her out of fights, drama, and anything problematic. She was on this planet to have a good time. I admired that about her.

She yanked me from Mr. Lincoln, cackling more, "You all need to stop hiding him so much! No wonder he's scared all the time, he never gets a chance to be adventurous."

"Explain today," Mr. Lincoln responded, amused yet unhappy with me at the same time, his stern look had given away I was in serious trouble, "I think somebody has had enough adventures today."

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