Wrong Number

379 15 4

TW: Cussing, Highschool AU, Araleyn, I know I said I'd write Aramour, but I lied, also ParrCleves is next, I sweat it's the truth, anyways, he who shall not be named, yep.

It started with their phones.

Of course it did, everything revolved around those tiny, portable screens.


Everyone knew that Catherine Aragon and Anne Boleyn were not friends. Not frenemies. Not even just enemies, but nemesis'. They'd met when a certain boy they both had a crush on, had asked both of them out.

Unfortunately for him, he accidentally asked them for the same day, same time, and same place. How he did that to himself, no one will ever know, but from the moment they met they hated each other.

Which is why this predicament is probably so funny. Hilarious even. Maybe just a little fucked up.



???: Omg he's so annoying

???: Why can't he just leave me alone?

???: Hey, ur supposed 2 be joining in when I talk about how terrible Henry is

???: Sorry, I meant when I'm talking about the bitch

Catherine stared down at her phone in mild amusement. Someone clearly thought they were talking to someone very close to them. And hated Henry as much as Catherine herself did.

Cath: I think u have the wrong number

Cath: But I do happen to agree with u on the bitch

Dots appeared on the screen, a tell tale sign of a reply.

???: Oh

???: Sorry

???: Also thank u

???: He's the worst

Cath: He really is

???: Hey since I've already started a rant can I just yell about him 2 u?

Cath: Sure, I'll even participate in the ranting

???: Omg whoever u r

???: We r gonna be best friends

Catherine smiled down at her phone, completely oblivious to a certain green eyed girl doing the same.


"They get it though! None of you guys are willing to talk shit about him!"

Anne was pacing the floor, ranting about her mystery friend to her cousins and best friend.

"Maggie, are you seriously telling me that you don't want me to have an outlet? Remember last time I held it in?"

"Yes, I'd like to stop being reminded of the time you set my house on fire while playing with matches because 'I want something to burn, then it'll feel my anger' and then you started singing Mean Girls."

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