Mary & Lizzie: Matchmaker Supreme

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TW: Chaos, this is going to be a recurring thing, the next one being about their chaotic life at school, but for now, we do Araleyn, take a guess at what happens, lock picking and forgery are bad, i do both, but we don't talk about that, or how sad it is that it's super easy to do both, Edward makes a cameo.

Mary and Elizabeth were often described as opposites.

Fire and Ice.

Yin and Yang.

Cat and Dog.

Happy and Sad.

People often thought they didn't get along, and were constantly at odds with each other.

This was incorrect.

Mary and 'Lizzie' were in reality the best of friends, of course they had their fair share of sisterly fights, but for the most part they were as close as two sisters could be.

Edward had the unfortunate title of younger brother, which automatically made him a target. He was not a fan of being constantly told to get out because it's a girl thing and no little brothers aloud.

Mary and Lizzie knew this, and did it more often just to be mean.

But let it be known that they were also very observant, and lately their mother's were acting strange. Specifically around each other.

Mary had noticed her mother become flustered, and continuously stumbled over her words.

Lizzie noticed her mother was neat, not jumping in circles, polite, and put together.

When they convened about this topic, they agreed that they needed to get their mother's together. Then they would be completely sisters.

(Not that in their heads they weren't already. If anyone said otherwise, they'd either be on fire or have their secrets spread throughout the school. You decide who does what.)

Edward tried to help, but when he asked what they were doing he was shooed away.

"Mary, you normally do the planning. Reconvene tomorrow?"


Maybe Lizzie influenced Mary more than Mary influenced Lizzie.



When they did meet again, they decided that the house wasn't safe.

Edward had given up trying to be on his older sister's team, and just left to see his mother.

They walked around the park, searching for the best place to sit and talk. Once this was acquired they got to work.

The good thing about Yin and Yang is that if Yin doesn't think of something, Yang will. They could work both sides with ease. Yin planned, Yang executed.

In this case, Yin is Mary, and Yang is Lizzie.

Once they'd finally agreed on a plan (Mary never had one choice) Lizzie informed Mary what might happen.

(That had become a requirement after a certain incident with a goat and a boat.)

Then they went their separate ways, both knowing exactly where they were going.


Catherine noticed that her Mary was becoming more and more suspicious.

She almost asked her what she was doing, but at the exact moment she planned on doing so Elizabeth had shown up.

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