Defending Monique

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I haven't update since like more than a month..sorry, so much has been happening...


I got up from Ross' bed, and headed to my room quietly. Then I headed to the shower, feeling disgusted of what happened the night before. When I got out, I put on the outfit Monique had given me the last few days, a long sleeve black shirt, red scarf, dark blue skinny jeans, and some red vans. I really like it, since my favorite colors are red and black.

"Goodmorning sweetie!" I heard Monique tell me as I headed to my room again. "Oh hi , Goodmorning!" I said, trying to hide the pain behind my smile. "I'll be In my room for like about 15 more minutes. if you need anything, just come in," she told me. I nodded.

After a few minutes of being in my room, I went to the kitchen. I was S T A R V I N G ! when I opened the refrigerator door to get the milk gallon , i set it down on the kitchen counter. I got the cereal box that was next to the counter. Then I accidently pushed the milk gallon with the cereal box. Splaat! The milk splattered all over the floor since the gallon fell. ' ugh ' I thought . I heard someone running into the kitchen. " WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING MELODY?! I TOLD YOU TO TELL ME IF YOU NEEDED ANYTHING!" Monique screamed at me. She had no idea how I felt for the last 2 months . she had no idea how badly I wanted to be in my mothers arms. She had no idea how I just wanted to commit suicide. I ran to my room, with tears streaming down my cheeks.

I locked the door, and sat on the floor leaning against the door. I bursts out crying my eyes out. How I wish this was all a bad dream. I just thought about everything that has happened, and now I just don't want to go on with my life. my life feels pointless at the moment. I just can't continue. I don't know HOW I could continue with life. I don't want to be a part of this world no more. if only I would've walked with my mom and my aunt, none of this would've happened. Flashbacks flooded through my minded, and I cried and cried for what seemed like forever.

Knock knock! I felt the door pound on my head. oops. I had cried myself to sleep. "MELODY OPEN THE GOD DAMN DOOR YOU LITTLE B*TCH" I heard Ross scream. I unlocked the door with fear since I knew there'd be harsh consequences to this. Ross was about to sock me with his fist, when Monique screamed really loud. "ROSS PLEASE STOP ! POOR CHILD!" she yelled. Ross looked at her, then looked at me again. "I'll deal with you later. you annoying little sh*t" he told me. He pulled Monique's hair, leading her to his room. oh god no. he's gonna abuse her in there. I heard Monique screaming and crying. I feel so bad for her, as much as I feel bad for myself. I tried ignoring the noise, but I just couldn't. I got out of my room, heading to Ross' room, determined to stop him from hitting Monique . wait, crap! what if he locked the door? I hope he didn't......Wait, I couldn't go in there without something to defend myself with...on the kitchen table , there was a flower vase. i took out the flowers from the vase, leaving the vase in my hand. I opened Ross' room door, silently hoping he wouldn't hear me come in, and with his back turned to me, I threw the glass case at his head. Blood came out from his head. oh my god...WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST DO?!


lol, this chapter is retarded . sorry/: well um....If any of you guys have a kik, please kik me @a_random_poptartt_

well ummm...once again, I'm sorry....

- guadalupe ^-^

ps, hopefully I'll update it again before Christmas!! o:

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