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Woah ! The last time I updated was Mid-Match ! now it's about to be August ! wow ! I've been getting a lot of comments to update my story , so I will (:

The last time I updated , I had like 2.5k reads , now I have more than 7.4k ! Thanks sooo much! I never thought I'd have so many reads :) okay ! I'll get started now ((:


A few hours later after Ross had a fight with Jimmy, I was like traumatized . I kept hearing Ross say the words ' I'm here for you babe ' in my head . I can't get it out of my head . I dont know what to do . it's been 3 months since I've been kidnapped . I'm scared . what am I supposed to do ? Will I ever get out of here ?

*Doorbell rings*

" that must be my brother Chandler here to see you Melody "

oh great , I thought to myself . will this turn into another fight ?

Chandler walked in , and since I was in the living room , he saw me right away . ' Hello ' he said .

I smiled at him . He was kinda handsome , and he had a really nice hot deep voice . He looked really nice . But who knows , because looks can be deceiving .

" Melody , this is Chandler .

Chandler , this is Melody '' Ross said .

Chandler and I smiled at each other , then Ross gave Chandler a little tour of the house .

Why ? I asked myself .

Monique walked into the living room . ' Woah girl ! I saw the way you guys looked at each other ! Hes 14 . he'd be cute for you ! haha ' Monique said .

' Haha , no ! well , I mean , he is cute I guess haha ' I responded.

The rest of the night , I spent watching movies with Monique . Meanwhile , chandler and Ross were in the room talking .

The next morning , I went to the kitchen and said hi to Monique .

" Last night was really fun watching movies and eating popcorn with you. Thanks monique ! " I told her .

'' Your welcome honey ! wait .. melody , whats wrong with your eye ? " Monique asked.

" what ? Whats wrong with it ? '' I asked worriedly .

" your eye is really pink . I think you have a pink eye ! Let me go wake up Ross . Maybe he can stop by a pharmacy and get you some eye drops ''

a few minutes later ,

Ross came into the kitchen arguing with Monique . " MONIQUE SHUT UP . If I go to the pharmacy they may ask for some information . Calm down . Jimmy used to be an eye doctor . We could just ask him how to get rid of it! " Ross argued .

Then I heard Ross screaming at Jimmy over the phone . That's weird .. Ross had just fought with Jimmy yesterday .. and now they're whatever about it ?! well okay ..

"What did he say?!" Monique asked worriedly . Sometimes I feel like Monique acts like mom . Which is good because I feel like Monique really cares about me .

"He said he's on his way . He knows some weird type of remedy that gets rid of the pink eye . You better not start a fight or anything with him Melody ! I'm warning you !" Ross responded frustrated .

When jimmy got here , Ross went outside and got the eye drops from his hand . Then , Jimmy stepped inside and looked at me carefully . " You're a very weird girl Melody . But your still gorgeous babe " Jimmy said .

" Jimmy .. please take it easy ! " Ross said .

" Okay , okay ! I'm sorry , geez ! Melody , take two eye drops right now , another two in the afternoon , then another two in each eye right before bed . Make sure they land like right in the middle of your eye or else it won't work properly . Keep in mind that I made this , so it might take a few days or like a week . " Jimmy instructed .

As soon as Jimmy left , I put the eye drops in my eyes .

I screamed at the top of my lungs .

Monique came in immediately .

"MELODY WHAT'S WRONG" she asked .


I kept screaming .

Ross came in furious . "what the hell melody ! what the f**k is your problem?! " Then Chandler came in .

Monique explained , then I heard Ross asking Jimmy over the phone tht what the hell was in the drops .

Ross put jimmy on speaker .

" Oh Ross ! did you really think i was fine after what you did yesterday ? Dude you punched me . I wouldnt let that slide . So I put bleach in those eye drops . I hope Melody's eyes start feeling better . "

Then jimmy did an evil laugh .

" What the hell ?! bleach blinds people ! you f***ing moron ! " Ross yelled .

" I know . Now I have a lot of stuff to do . so goodbye have a great day ! Tell melody i said Hello ! " jimmy said .

then he clicked .

I continued yelling .

Ross left the house furiously and I heard him leave in his car .

" Oh god , Ross please don't do anything stupid or crazy , " Monique prayed .

" I hope you feel better beautiful , " Chandler whispered .

Around an hour later , Ross got home .

When he came in , Monique asked what he went to go do.

" I took care of that bastard ! " Ross yelled .

" wait .. did you kill him?! " Monique asked .

" I had to . " Ross said .

I gasped .


That was a crazy chapter ...

ahha .

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x o .

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