Blood & Roses ...

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hey guys! LOL . I said I'd try to update by Christmas , and it's been like more than a month after Christmas now o:

sorry!|: I got lots of people asking me to update soon, so I really try to update my story as much as I can . Well's almost valentines day!! I have no valentine((x #ForeverAlone


I just looked at ross, lying on the concrete floor with blood filling his head.

Then, I looked back at Monique . Poor her . Bruises all over her, blood mixed with teardrops on her cheek . She had a really shocked expression on her face. We both just stood there looking at Ross , not knowing what to do. Confused . Awkwardly .

Finally, she said, "Melody! Oh lord, what did you do?! What If he's knocked out? Maybe we can try to escape!"

"Umm, I doubt. This man has this house more locked up than prison." I said.

She agreed. There was seriously no way out of here. In order to open the front door, you need a key. We didn't know where the key was , because Ross was obviously taking charge of it.

I sighed. I walked over to Monique, and hugged her. "Are you okay?" I asked her.


She kind of pissed me off. I was JUST trying to help her. But whatever I guess. So I just walked to my room.

15 minutes later, I heard a knock on my door. Was it Ross ? Monique ? "Who is it?" I asked. There was no response. I'm scared. I slowly open the door, since I'm scared.

Monique .

I tried closing the door, because I was still kinda mad at her, and she stopped it from closing. As she stepped in, I rolled my eyes. "Can we just talk?!" She asked.


"Okay. look I'm sorry. I Guess I was acting like a little B when you were just trying to help me. I was just so confused, and everything, I kinda lost control of myself. I'm really sorry. Please forgive me,"

I gave her a look filled with pity, and she just covered her face. "It's okay." I said.

Even though I HATE when people really get mad and piss me off, then try to talk to me after like a bit less than an hour like If nothing happened....I still forgave her. I honestly think she has a mood disorder....Bipolar ..?

I hugged her, and said , "we all have those moments,"

About an hour later, when me and Monique went in the kitchen, we saw Ross coming into the kitchen. "May I join you girls?" he asked. Monique and I were really confused. "Look Ross, I'm sorry okay. It just really upsets me when I see people in pain, Just like how I saw and heard Monique. I HAD to do something about it. I'm really sorry. just please, don't hurt me," I apologized.

"Its okay baby girl. No worries."

He blew me a kissy noise .

Disgusting !

I shrugged , and then Monique handed me a PB & J sandwhich.

"CRAP! it's late!" Ross yelled . "I'll see you guys later, i have to go to work NOW!" he said as he took one last look in the mirror.

"What about your lunch?!" asked Monique.

"I'll buy something on the way over there," he said .

After about 5 or 6 hours, he got home. "MEL! I got a little something for you babe!"

I walked to the living room. "What the hell?!" I yelled . In his hands was a teddy bear, roses, and a box of chocolates. "Here you go babe," he said as he handed them to me. "Now..for you Monique, you can eat my s***" he said. "Happy Valentines day!" He said with an evil grin.

What the hell?! its BARELY valentines day? He kidnapped me like a few days after New Years...It feels like FOREVER.

"You're a sexy little lady," He winked at me.

He seriously scares me.


Short chapter . Blah.

Questions , concerns , feedback? kik me(: @a_random_poptartt_

or follow me on instagram! @its_guadalupe_

Thanks for reading guys!(:

Stay beautiful . xx

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