Seeing Jake

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When we got home..., well his house.....NOT MY house, I got in really pissed. Because I was screaming out like retard for nothing. All for nothing. My throat is hurting. Why? I asked myself sarcastically. Uhhh maybe because I screamed REALLY loud and hard. For nothing. Monique looked at me as I was passed her. I guess she expected me to say hi... I went in my room. It seemed about half an hour later, I was about to fall asleep. OH MY GOD! I'm supposed to see jake!! I ran out of my room, and ran I Monique. "what time is it?" I asked her. She said it was 7:54. Perfect. I ran to my room. I looked at the little window and ran to it. I waited there for about 30 minutes! What the hell Is taking him forever?! He finally arrived. I told him about everything and to tell the cops. He agreed. We said bye to each other. I ended up kissing him on the cheek as a thank you. So I watched him as he left my window. I was excited! I'm getting out of here! Yay!!

The next morning, Ross woke me up. "What the f*** Melody! I noticed what you did last night!" he yelled. Dafuq is he talking about? Oh my freaking god!! The camera! Wht the hell?! How did I forget?! Uuugggghhhhhh!!! I looked down knowing he was looking at me angrily. "You're getting punished for this!" he slapped me several times. "wait till tonight!" he said. He told me to look at the book he had given me. Oh no. 'tonight' 'book' Rape. I was scared. Wait....Jake! Of course! He should come before night time! He HAS to.

Knock Knock! I heard. Someone was knocking on the door! Was it jake?! Ross carried me into his closet. He left me there. I guess trying to hide me. Before he left, he said not to move from there. Hah! Does he really expect me not to move? I heard him open the door. "Hello, this is the Police. I'm here because a local newspaper boy told us that the girl, Melody Stone was here. We have been looking for her, she was kidnapped, and the boy reported to see her here. May we take a look around?" he asked Ross. "uhh...sure! But I would never kidnap! That kid is a liar!" Ross told the police officer. I giggled. Yeah! No wonder he's even killed a girl. -_-

I heard the police officers go into my room. They asked who's room was that. " oh it's just and empty room. Nobody in it," Ross replied. They went into Monique's room, and finally they were coming into ross' room! I heard their footsteps getting closer. Riiiiiiinnnggggggg! The officers phone rang. He answered. "I'll be right there ASAP!" he spoke into the phone. "oh great! I have to go do something else. Thanks for letting us observe!" the police officer told Ross. "sorry about that! There seems to be nothing suspicious.......that kid really does have mental problems!" the other officer told Ross. They stepped out of the house, and Ross came telling me to get out of his closet. What the hell?! I pushed him and asked him. "wait for tonight babe!" he said winking. Oh no.


Sorry this chapter was pretty boring!


Since its pretty obvious; melody is goin to be getting raped in the next chapter. Would you guys Want me to describe it or just say she gets raped and continue it when she wakes up? Please comment!

Thanks - guadalupe

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