Chapter 40

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Chase P.O.V 

''Let us go!'' Mr. Davenport exclaimed.
''Make me.. Oh wait, you can't.'' Marcus smirked.
''This isn't right! Why do you even want us? Why do you even want him?'' Adam pointed at me in an insulted way. 
''What are these?'' Mr. Davenport asked, pointing at the two twirling rings, trapping us.
''They're titanium-rings.'' I explained.

''How could we have not seen this coming?'' Leo shrieked, ''I told you guys from the very start that we met Marcus, he's evil!!!!''
''Leo's right... We should have listened to him.'' I added.
''We're sorry Leo.'' Adam and I apologized simutaniously.
''Hate to break all this love... But... HOW ARE WE GOING TO GET OUT OF HERE?!'' Mr. Davenport yelled.

I kept thinking of what we could do, but everything I thought of would lead to two of us exploding.
There's no way of getting out, only if someone that's out of the titanium-rings switch it off with the remote.

''I know!'' Adam suddenly exclaimed, as Marcus and Douglas exited, ''What if I used my heat vision on these ring thingies?''
''No, Adam don't. If you do, your shot will just hit back. They're titanium.. Remember...'' I explained.
''This is Adam you're talking to, he probably doesn't remember what he had for lunch today.'' Leo pointed out.
''What did I have for lunch today...?'' Adam questioned confused.

Marcus re-entered, ''In 14 minutes the titanium-rings will explode, and the only thing in it that will survive, will be your chips.'' Marcus said evilly, ''It's over.''
''Aww... Is it? Then why are we here?'' I saw Jasmin and Bree standing at the door in their mission suites.
''Bree?!'' Mr. Davenport exclaimed.

Jasmin P.O.V

Marcus swung toward me, we began fighting.
I kicked, but Marcus ducked. He tried punching me, but I grabbed his fist, and swung him onto the floor.

''Is that all you've got?'' Marcus teased.
''No, because I've got this.'' I stated.

I climbed up the wall without struggling, got to the cieling, and jumped down, knocking Marcus to the floor. He looks passed out.

''Yes!'' Leo exclaimed, ''You did it!''

Bree P.O.V 

''How to we shut this thing down?'' I scrolled around all the computers and cyber-desks looking for a button or something.

''It's on a remote, you just have to find it and click the red button!'' Chase explained.
''Oh, well that's easy, except for the part where I have to find it! What if I can't find it?'' You're doomed, you only have about 6 minutes until that thing blows!'' I yelled.
''Looking for this?'' I heard Douglas's voice come from behind me.

Jasmin P.O.V 

''Jasmin, watch out!'' Leo alerted me.

I was too late, Marcus kicked me onto the ground, leaving my arm in heavy pain. I lay there in pain, until I remembered... I have healing powers. I pushed my hand against my injured arm, and slowly I felt a tingling sensation. I jumped onto my feet giving a fighting position against Marcus.

''You will never win against me, and you know it.'' Marcus said.
''Are you threatening me?'' I questioned.
''Yea, are you threatening her?'' Leo repeated in a high panicked tone.
''Does it sound like it?'' Marcus asked.
''Yea.'' I nodded irritatedly, ready to kick him.
''Then yea.'' Marcus just made me more irritated.

I kicked him in the stomach, and he flew back, hitting the wall and falling to the ground.

Bree P.O.V

''Good job Jasmin!'' I heard Chase yell.

As Douglas turned around, to see what was going on, I kicked the remote right out of his hand, and it landing on the stairs above us.

We stared at each other, then the remote, and then we raced up. Of course... Me with my... Amazing super speed. I got there first and snatched the remote from the floor.

''Hah!'' I smirked.

I pointed the remote to the titanium-rings, then clicked the red button. The titanium-rings fell to the floor, with Chase, Adam, Leo and Mr. Davenport running out.
Just as I was about to run down to them, I felt a punch in the back, and I fell down. As I was falling, I could feel the air running through my face. I kept falling and falling.

''Bree!'' Adam yelled.

Instead of a thump on the ground, my landing was really soft. Adam had cought me.

''Are you okay?'' Adam asked.

I nodded as he put me down. Mr. Davenport took a green buttonny thing from his pocket and zapped it at Douglas first, then Marcus, which carried them in a force-field into the air. Like a cage... But different.

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