Chapter 27

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----------Christmas Morning----------

Chase P.O.V

I found Tasha and Mr. Davenport already starting to decorate the Christmas Tree that's on the main floor, where we usually have it. I'm trying to help them, but I don't seem like much use... Specially not if I'm in a... You know, wheelchair...

''Can I help?'' Jasmin walked out the elevator.
''Sure, honey, why don't you hang these up.'' Tasha handed her something.. I couldn't see exactly, but I could read what they were saying.

Bree stood up from the floor and sat on the sofa, next to me. Leo came next and so did he.
''What's wrong?'' Bree asked Leo. Leo looked horribly bored, and annoyed that he had to wear a matching top to Tasha.
''This! All of this!'' Leo exclaimed waving his hands around his shirt and Tasha.

Bree nearly fell backwards because of Leo who just yelled unexpectedly. I pushed her back up and she smiled at me.

''Sorry...'' Leo apologized.
''It's okay.'' Bree smiled at him.

I moved my wheelchair over infront of Bree and Leo, because I couldn't exactly catch everything they were saying.

"Where's Luke?" I scanned around the room.

I shrugged and stared back at Bree and Leo.
Suddenly to hands grabbed my shoulder which made me jump. I turned around and saw Luke laughing. I turned back round to Bree and Leo, they were laughing too.

"Haha, very funny," I rolled my eyes.

Bree leaned over, and put something on my head.

"What? What's so funny?" I frowned, taking the hat off, "really? An elf hat?" I stared at everyone laughing, and couldn't help but laugh as well.

Luke snatched another elf hat from a table, and placed it on Bree's head.
We're having a great time.

Lab Rats-Muddles and MessesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ