Chapter 13

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Jasmin P.O.V

My eyes plastered open, as the sun showed through my window, I sat up, and stared at my arm... I didn't feel the same... I feel different... Like I'm a different type of Jasmin... I don't understand... Why do I feel like this? I've never been like this before... It's like I'm terrified of something... But I have no idea what... After we got defeted and injured... I didn't feel right... I felt wrong.... I could have completed this, no one would have been injured, but I wasn't thinking, I could have used my climbing ability.. Marcus and Crane probably didn't have that ability.

Luke knocked on my door and walked in, he dragged my dressing table chair in front of the bed and sat there.
''I could have saved them...'' I whispered, ''Bree wouldn't have memory loss and Chase wouldn't be deaf if I just did it, I could have climbed up the wall, and stopped them... I could have done more.'' I felt my self dizzy. Then I rolled my head down to my comforter and began crying, I felt strange... I felt awkward, like my head was spinning and I was still half asleep.
''T-Tasha!'' Luke ran to the door and popped his head out, shouting for Tasha.

I didn't move my head, I couldn't I felt like my whole life was frozen, but still moving. ''It's all my fault.'' I whispered loudly.
Luke sat back down beside me. 
''Aw honey, calm down,'' Tasha gave me a bottle of water, and lay me back in my bed.
''I can't remember... I can't remember what I was saying or thinking of five minutes ago..'' I closed my eyes, letting my final tears fall.
''That's because you were hallusinating... It's okay..'' Tasha rubbed my forehead.
''It wasn't your fault.. It wasn't anyones fault.'' Luke added.
I rubbed my temples, then stood up with the help of Luke and Tasha, we went downstairs.

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