Chapter 15

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-----Later That Day-----

Leo P.O.V

''Donald, are you sure there's enough room in this car? Shouldn't we use one of your mini vans? You have six of them..'' mom suggested, as she sat in the front seat.
''Six mini vans? No way! I have eighteen. Who has only six mini vans?'' Big D showed off.
''No one... That's because no one can afford six mini vans!'' I pointed out.
''Except for me! Ha Ha!'' Big D patted his collar acting all cool... Which was definately not working...
''Let's just go already,'' mom started getting annoyed.

Luke and I sat in the two seats in the trunk, while Big D was helping Chase get into the van, and passed us the wheelchair to put it beside us. Jasmin was sitting in the middle, with Chase on her right, and Bree on her left, they all looked super tired, Jasmin was looking out the window in front of her, Bree was sitting on a window seat, so was Chase. I think Chase just fell asleep... His head's leaning against the window and his eyes are closed.

''I-I'm really thirsty, c-can you pass me a bottle of water Leo?'' Bree stammered.

Luke passed me the full bottle of water that was next to him on the floor, and I passed it to Bree.

''Thanks,'' she looked back and smiled at us. 
''So how do you want to do this? Have lunch first? Or split up and go different ways?'' Big D asked.
''It would be cool, if Big D and my mom go one way and the rest of us go the other..'' I said in a sudden.

Everyone nodded, except for Chase who was still asleep leaning against the window.

''Big D... How do you think Adam's doing?'' I whispered.
''Who's Adam..?'' Bree asked... Oh no... She heard me...
''Did I say Adam...? I meant... The administrator... For Luke and... Jasmin...'' I lied, Big D looked at me like what?!
''I don't know!'' I whisper-shouted really softly this time.
''We'll be there in three minutes, everyone ready to come out?'' Big D tried chaniging the subject.

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