Chapter 16

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''Finally,'' I gave a sigh of relief, ''can someone just pop the trunk so I can get out?''
''Leo,'' mom shook her head.
''What I've been in this car for three hours, without a bathroom!'' I complained.
''You've been in here for less than ten minutes...'' Big D corrected.
''Well it felt like hours! Can someone please get me outta here.''
''Hey, Jasmin, do you mind waking Chase up please?'' Big D asked, heading out the car to open the trunk, and set me free.
''Sure,'' Jasmin smiled, and began softly rubbing Chase's shoulder.

We all got out, and headed inside the mall.

''We'll see you guys later, alright?'' mom and Big D waved and began walking away.

We just continued walking straight, with a random and awkward silence, Bree was pushing Chase in his wheelchair, and when she'd get tired, Jasmin would take over.

''So Bree, you really don't remember anything?'' I started, as I had an amazing idea, ''You don't even remember that I'm your boyfriend?'' 
''Huh?'' she asked confused,
''Leo! He's not your boyfriend, Bree, ignore him..'' Chase ruined a great chance I had.
''Don't expect anything better from me, if Jasmin lost her memory, I'd do the same.'' I winked at both girls.

Trent started walking toward us with his possy, ''Hey, Jasmin right? I have a question, if E=mc2 then what's M?'' 
''would be EC2....'' Jasmin replied softly.
''Thanks Jasmin... Or should we say... Nerdmin.'' he slapped Jasmin's glasses off and they fell onto the floor.

Jasmin had resently been wearing glasses because she has a bit of bad vision since when we got defeated.

''Just because she's wearing glasses for now, doesn't mean she's a nerd..'' Luke yelled, then picked his sister's glasses up and handed them back to her.
''Yea, but knowing that answer does,'' Jannet replied looking back with a mean smirk.
''How did you know the answer to that anyways?'' Chase asked, because of that, I think Chase read their lips while they were having that conversation.
''I-I like math, algebra.. And science..'' Jasmin mumbled
''Ignore them, so where'd you guys want to go?'' I mentioned.
''Trent did realize that Nerdmin doesn't rhime with Jasmin... Right..?'' Luke teased trying to make her feel better. It seemed to work..
''Don't expect much from trent... He wouldn't be able to tell a pony from a dinosour.'' I laughed.

We decided to head to Tutti Fruitti for some frozen yougurt, it's technically a mixture between ice cream and youngurt..
We sat down at a big violet colored table with four white chairs, Jasmin pushed Chase's wheelchair next to me and the empty seat, when the lady came to take our order, we practically all ordered the same thing, mixed magorities.

''..Ow.. My head,'' Bree used her left hand covering up her forehead.
''It's called brain freeze... When you eat or drink something really cold too fast, you get it..'' I explained slowly.

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