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Here's to the ones that we got,

Cheers to the wish you were here but you're not

'Cause the drinks bring back all the memories

Toast to the ones here today,

Toast to the ones that we lost on the way

'Cause the drinks bring back all the memories

And the memories bring back memories,

Bring back you

There was a time that I remember, when I did not know no pain

When I believed in forever, and everything would stay the same

Now my heart feel like December, when somebody say your name

'Cause I can't reach out to call you,

But I know I will one day


They were there.

Right there, in front of him, smiling. They were looking proud.

"Oh, my Eddy." His mom said, laced with honey. Anyone who would hear her voice would melt, then and there. But Eddy knew better. "Yes, mom?" His dad chimed in, "We're so proud of you, my boy!" Eddy smiled, fake one. "Thank you pa." Eddy's father slapped his back, with a lot of force, though. It almost hurt. But he was happy, really. Why wouldn't he be? His son topped. But at what cost?

Eddy smiled, the best smile his muscles could muster. They say smiling takes less muscles than frowning, but why was Eddy's cheeks hurting so much then? "We're proud of you." His mother said, pulling him into a big hug. Eddy hugged back but on auto-pilot. His mother's body felt weird this close. "Thanks ma." He said nonchalant.

There were prizes distributed. Some games for the students, some for the parents, some for both. Eddy played a few with Mary, Soo-Lin and Rob. Oh Mary, she was yet to be introduced to his family. Mary's parents knew him. They had met too. Her parents really liked Eddy and even taught him a little cooking. Her parents were chefs, yeah. But Eddy's family knew nothing of Mary.

"Uh ma? Pa?" Eddy stuttered, they turned around, and their faces broke into a huge smile. "Yes, son?" Eddy gulped, "Uh, m-meet my girlfriend. Mary." He said pointing to the girl beside him. His mother's smiled faded just a little, then came back bigger than ever. "Oh, you! We saw you on the topper's list, my girl! Wow, you're pretty!"

Really? They didn't say anything? They - okay good then.

"Um, thank you." Mary said, stuck and not knowing what to say in these awkward situations. "Eddy must be feel lucky to be with you, my child." Eddy chuckled, "Yes ma." Mary smiled. She felt loved. She even got invited for lunch at Eddy's parents' house, sometime that weekend.

But everything comes to an end. The ceremony too, ended. Their parents left. Mary and Eddy too headed towards Eddy's apartment.

"So wanna go to my parent's house, day after tomorrow?" Eddy asked, scratching his head. "Yeah, sure."

And, a day passed. The two were sitting in Eddy's car, heading to his childhood home.

Eddy's mother opened the door, with a huge smile on her face. Mary smiled too, Eddy just stood there, with a dead-pan face. "Come, honey. The food's ready." She said, as the two entered.

Just when he thought everything went by smoothly, his father cleared his throat and asked a question to his wife, "Uh so, tell them about the invite?" Mary looked up from her chair. "Oh, yes. Darling, I forgot." Eddy furrowed his eyebrows. "What invite, ma?"

"We've been invited to a party and we were told to bring our children too. It's like a family re-union. And it's next week. Just in time, eh?" Eddy did have holidays for a week. Before he went looking for a job. "And you can bring this lovely girl, too! Would you like to come, Mary?" Eddy's mother asked. No one could refuse that tone. "Yeah sure, if Eddy's going." Eddy looked at Mary, and Mary nodded. "Do you wanna, Ed?" She asked, Eddy nodded, though unsure, "How bad can a party be?" His father clapped his hands together and spoke up in his loud, husky voice, "Well then, that's nice. You can come here, and then we four can go to the location together?" Eddy nodded slowly, "But which day?" His father replied, "Wednesday,"

Then, they spent an evening looking at absolutely embarrassing pictures of Eddy when he was young. A few games were played too. It was good. Eddy was warming up to his family too. Though he had not entirely forgiven them, he still loved them. His parents were his parents after all. But in his mind he thanked them too, if it wasn't for them, he wouldn't have ever understood the Brett underneath the skin.

Everything happens for a reason.

And that is true.


author's note: yes, you gotta have a B.Ed, Ph.D, master's degree, and doctorate and all that stuff, (I think, not sure) to become a professor, but I ain't making my story that long. just imagine he already got one and will soon become a very nice prof, okay? or maybe in this world they don't need one.

author's note 2: I HAVE AN INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT NOW: @/lovely.2setter yeah so follow me if you wanna.. ill try update some stuff there too. love you guys!

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