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They call me crybaby, crybaby

But I don't even care,

Crybaby, crybaby, I laugh through me tears

Cry baby, crybaby but I don't even care

Tears fall to the ground

I just let them drop


Eddy happily reached the lockers' area to meet Brett. They decided grab lunch together, like they did everyday but Brett was a little sick and his mother asked him not to eat the school's food. Instead she made him some nice sandwiches, and a few extras because she knew Eddy would share some too. "Alright with that stomach? Heard you threw up twice." Eddy grinned while Brett playfully rolled his eyes and smacked Eddy's arm. "Come on let's have lunch somewhere more peaceful, there are a lot people here."

They had lunch in the cafeteria at the farthest seat away from the main entrance door as possible, because Eddy wanted to do so. Eddy seemed tensed about something but didn't speak much about it and proceeded to crack some viola jokes. The bell rang and Brett got up, "Dude, maths class. Ugh. Well, bye! See you later!" Eddy waved him quickly and got up. Brett left the café first and Eddy left shortly after.

Eddy hadn't much reached his class before he got forcefully yanked back by his collar by someone. He was a big buffy boy. Senior was written in capital letters on his forehead, figuratively. He had an absolutely petrifying smirk on his face. "Where you going, Chen?" he spoke up, his fist was still clenching Eddy's shirt. "To-to my class." he stuttered while replying. "Oh?" the bully said. "Nerdy, aren't you huh?" he said while pulling him behind, in a classroom that was completely empty and dark. The boy pushed Eddy into the room and Eddy hit a table. "Ouch." he whispered, fear laced with every sound that came out of Eddy's mouth. "Don't be scared, Chen." another boy spoke up. This one was taller than Eddy but not much buffy as the other bully. "Jordon will be good to you. Unless?" Eddy turned around, "Unless what?" he almost shouted. Jordon, the big guy spoke up, "Shh, now little man. Unless you misbehave," he completed the other man's sentence. "What on the earth do you want from me?" Eddy spoke, still shaking but his voice was calm, surprisingly.  "Write a letter, Chen boy," Jordon said smiling cunningly. "Why?" Eddy growled. "To me." Jordon continued ignoring Eddy's question. "What?!" Eddy shouted. "Saying how horrible of a person Brett is." "What!?" Eddy shouted louder, "You are crazy! I will never!" he screamed. The taller man spoke up, "Oh you won't?" He said, calm like nothing was happening, "You won't even if it meant," his voice trailed off. He turned around to bring a big black object. Eddy knew what it was, like he knew the back of his hand: his violin case. The guy opened it swiftly and took out the bow. Eddy flinched at how he touched his bow, fingers on the bow-strings, Eddy turned to jump at him but was restrained by Jordon. He was way more stronger than Eddy, "Now, now. Don't do that; or instead of a broken bow, you may have a broken arm." Jordon cooed in Eddy's ear. "Get away, you flimsy savage!" He wiggled his arms around to free himself but it was impossible. "Now, will you do it?" the other boy asked again, both his palms were on each end of the bow. Eddy knew he had to choose now, Brett or Bow? Bow or Brett? Br- "Too late," and then there was a loud bang.

The door flew open and Brett and another teacher stormed in. The door opened so forcefully that the handle broke. Jordon jumped and let go of Eddy causing Eddy to fall on his back. The teacher picked Eddy up and Brett took the tall man by his collar. "What were you thinking?" he spoke through his gritted teeth. No one, absolutely no one had ever seen Brett Yang this angry. He pushed the tall man onto a chair, placed his foot on his thigh painfully, extracting a wince from the boy and proceeded to shout a thousand curses while poking his chest with Eddy's luckily-not-broken bow. He atleast knew how to hold it properly. "Okay, calm down now, Brett." the teacher said sternly from behind. Brett stopped and just glared at the boy. If looks could murder, Brett would be sitting in prison now. He breathed out a "Don't you dare ever do that again."

"Dude how did you even know?" Eddy asked Brett as they sat a park on a bench with a cup of bubble tea in hand. "I was going to my class and heard a shout. It sounded like you, so I tried to see where it came from. I peeked in that room and saw them and ran back to the P.E. teacher and luckily I got there in time." he looked down at his cup, "I am not that powerful to fight them myself so I got the P.E. teacher." Eddy looked at his side, "Thanks mate." Brett smiled, a genuine smile, "I am glad I could save you. Shout louder next time, gather attention from people." Eddy nodded, "I kinda froze. Didn't know how to react, Thanks again, thanks a lot." And that was that, a calming silence took over. Both the boys were happy with each other's company along with their violins, out of which one bow miraculously survived.

Eddy went to bed early that night. He was tired but the sleep never came. Thousand different thoughts flooded his mind. Thoughts that he had shut in the deepest, darkest pits of his brain surfaced itself. Insecurities crept up, self-doubt started fogging his mind. He felt weak, powerless. Is he good enough? Is he worth it? Is he capable? Are what people say about him true? Is his family really not lying? Will he be able to prove himself?

He cried himself to sleep that night.

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