six feet under.

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I lost myself again

But I remember you,

Don't come back, it won't end well

But I wish you'd tell me to

Our love is six feet under

I can't help but wonder

If our grave was watered by the rain

Would roses bloom?

Could roses bloom?


Retrace my lips,

Erase your touch

It's all too much for me,

Blow away

Like smoke in air

How can you die carelessly?

Our love is six feet under

I can't help but wonder

If our grave was watered by the rain

Would roses bloom?

Could roses bloom?

They're playing our sound, laying us down tonight,

And all of these clouds, crying us back to life

But you're cold as a night

Eddy was crying. Again.

After all those happy nights. He was crying into his pillow. Again.

Thousands of questions flooding his mind.


'When did you change?'

Eddy woke up at 7:30AM. Drank a cup of coffee, he was pretty good at making coffees now. And changed himself into casual blue jeans and a hoodie. At 7:40, he was out of his apartment room and onto the street.

He arrived on time, thankfully. He opened the door of the Bubble tea shop and the sweet smell of all the different varieties lightened his mind. And there he was, in the middle of the crowd, seated Mr. Brett Yang. Still with his violin. But something was off.

He was not sitting at their designated seat. The one where they always sat. 'Oh well, you don't care anyways.' Eddy said to himself and walked toward Brett. He was facing Brett's back so Brett didn't actually see Eddy approaching. "Good morning." Were the first words exchanged. Too formal. "Morning." Brett spoke up. Smiling slightly. 'Fake.' Eddy caught it in a second, but his smile wasn't exactly the purest either. 'Hmm, fake smile.' Brett caught Eddy too. But they never spoke about it. "So you had to say something?" Brett's asked instead. Eddy nodded and waved at a waitress who arrived quickly with a huge smile on her face. "Brown sugar one with boba, please?" Eddy asked and looked over at Brett. Brett was caught off guard. He was waiting for Eddy to order his too. He knew that Eddy knew his drink like the back of his hand. Well, some habits never change. "Oh, uh umm, just the regular one. Original with a lot of boba, thank you."

Eddy clearly understood that Brett was caught off guard with that behaviour, and he liked it. "So, umm, when did your drink preference change?" Eddy asked, since Brett didn't order his favourite one. "Don't know." Brett replied, looking at the tissue in front of him. Eddy hummed. "So why are we here?" Brett asked again. "My girlfriend asked me." Brett raised an eyebrow, "Which one was your girlfriend?" Eddy smiled, so Brett payed attention to his company. "The one with her arms around me, of course." Brett hummed. "Nice. So you are just here because your girlfriend dared you?" Eddy shook his head, "Came to talk, about us." He continued, "And maybe fix things." Brett folded his arms and hummed. "So how's life?" He asked cold as a popsicle. "Amazing, you?" "Great." Brett said, "So you're becoming a doctor?" Eddy shook his head, "No, professor." Brett raised his eyebrows, surprised.

"Your drinks, sirs. Enjoy."

The waitress came and went. "Unlike you." Brett said. Eddy raised the pitch of his hum, asking this time, not agreeing. "You like to teach?" Eddy chewed and swallowed the boba, "I always liked teaching, Brett." Brett now was the one one to hum with a high pitch. "Oh come on, don't act like you don't know." Brett shook his head, "Didn't know." Eddy scoffed, "Really? Three years changes people a lot. And apparently messes with their memories." He couldn't stop himself, but he was getting angry. "Yeah," Brett said, monotonous. "Who are you, Eddy?"

Oh the audacity.

And with a snap, Eddy's calm facade broke.

"Me? Who am I?" Brett nodded. Putting his cup down. "You've changed. You no longer the one I remember." Eddy was getting really pissed now, "You don't know anything, Brett, nothing at all." Brett challengingly looked at Eddy. "Ever since, you went away, you changed. Like you just forgot me." Eddy's voice was getting a bit louder. "Oh so it's on me? I went to just follow my dreams, Eddy!" Brett was louder. "You said you were happy with what I was doing! You said you supported me, did you not?!" Eddy put his cup down, forcefully. "Yes, I did. I still do. But you, Brett Yang. You have changed." Brett leaned forward, angry eyes meeting another pair of the same. "What about you? Where did the friendly guy go? Where did the funny guy go?" Eddy leaned in close too, folded arms on the table and irises burning into irises. "I'm right here. Every 'old' part of me is right here. You lost the right to see it." Brett's jaw opened to shoot some words but Eddy beat him to it, "Three years ago. Now? You are just a person I used to know. Someone I might have loved. I might have looked up to." Brett stared into his soul. But Eddy was not stopping, "How many sleepless nights have I had? Do you know? How many days did I spend sitting alone in classes, wondering and fascinating about our friendship? How much time did i waste thinking about you? About someone who didn't even have the time call whom he once proudly said was his 'best friend'?" Brett was gritting his teeth now. "Tell me, Brett, who are you? You've made new friends, new colleagues, new girlfriend maybe, you've probably replaced me." Brett's eyes softened and his jaw loosened. Eddy knew the meaning, he said it correct, which burnt his heart. To ashes. Brett had already replaced Eddy. "Sit and think back. What were we? How close were we?" Brett's eyes burned with rage once again. "And what are we now? Now we are no one. You are gone. It's just your shadow that's left with me. Your old entity. Now you are some one new. Someone I despise." Brett clenched his jaw again, hand slowly forming a fist under the table. "We have changed. And I don't think we can ever be the same again."
"I don't want to." Brett said four words which set Eddy's heart of fire, again.

4 words.

"What?!" Eddy spat. "I said, I don't want to Edward Chen. I simply don't want to be friends back again. I changed right? Let me then. You've too." "For the good." Eddy said, "Not like you, Yang." The name tasted sour in Eddy's mouth now. Brett raised his eyebrows, "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Your fame and skills made you change for the bad. You are selfish now. You are no longer the Brett Yang we all knew. You are no longer humble. You are no longer, Brett. And because of that, you will fall one day. Change for the good, Brett. No one except a good friend will tell you to do so." Eddy got up and placed a few bills on the table, he slowly whispered beside him, hiding his face to not show his forming tears, "No one." And stomped out, once again. Without Brett.

So that was that. Brett was officially no longer a 'friend' of Eddy's. And there he was, covered in his blanket. Face buried into the pillow, crying.

'Just exactly when did you change?'

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