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Hey I'm Syd and let's give the wonderful and amazing author Krissy, or Krippy93 a warm welcome! Krissy is the author of Bloodline and Spirits, which both have an English and Italian version.

So Krissy, how did you come to the big platform of Wattpad?

I joined a few years ago just for reading. I decided to start publishing some of my works around January, because I felt the need to share my writing with others. Before that, I used to play write/role-play games in italian forums, where I created most of my stories. I just felt the need to distance myself from those platforms for a while and write for myself.... and then the quarantine happened.

I understand that, social media can be soooo distracting! When writing, is there anything you do to keep yourself in the zone and help you to not get distracted?

Well, it wasn't exactly a social media platform. When you write with others you have deadlines and expectations, and sometimes the story in your head cannot see the light exactly as you picture it. It was a difficult moment for me in real life, and I needed to escape society for a while. To concentrate when writing, I usually put up an instrumental playlist or album on youtube and start writing. Luckily for me, when focusing on a scene I automatically zone out and focus so it's not difficult most of the time. I just need to be inspired though.

Ah so music helps you get your creative juices flowing, I can relate to that! Any specific songs that you listen to help you get into the writing mood?

For example "In the Woods" albums such as Ulvesang, which I highly recommend! I also like to put on electro jazz compilations when I need to energy in the background

Oh I don't think I've heard of that album, I'll have to check it out! So, I've been wondering how you came up with the idea for Bloodline, it's really good by the way.

Woah thanks! Well, Bloodline originally was the background story of Vanessa, which I created as a character for one of the role playing games I used to play. But after I began writing it, ideas started flowing into my head and characters started popping into my mind... so I decided to change it to a book! The original draft was less descriptive, so I had to work on it a lot. I'm still not super happy about the first 10 chapters because I think they're the ones who are mostly affected by this sudden change.

So did you rewrite some of it?

Absolutely! I have the whole story planned out (I have a big timeline with each main event brief description) ever since 2016-2017, when I started writing it. But when moving from forum-to-forum in Wattpad, I had to rework a lot of chapters. First of all, I used to write with colors and change font size and style accordingly to emulate shouts or whispers graphically, but this is not something you can do when writing literature. Hence I had to change the style in a way that it was more like a book and less like a manga. Compared to the first draft I also added extra chapters that I completely came up with, starting around chapter 15-16. Originally they were just small events like flashes of other characters' stories, but then I expanded them. The black market chapter is completely new for example, because a dear friend (@victoriaStephan) challenged me.

I'm glad to see how much time and effort you put into your books! How long have you been writing it for? Is there anyone who helps you edit it or smooth out your ideas?

I started writing Bloodline back in 2016-2017, but it has been on hiatus for years because I had writer's block. My second book Spirit came to life for the Open Novella Contest of this year, so I came up with everything in the short span of a few months, although the character and setting were decided beforehand (she is another of my characters from the role play game I used to play). As for the editing, I first write in italian and get a lot of tips from the readers of the book club I'm in, then I translate and do some adjustments with the help of my english readers as well. Readers' feedback is super important to me because they're basically strangers who don't know much about me or about my style so they're unbiased. My friends or my family tends to be less constructive in this regard because they know me.

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