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Dayeon, from CLN, had the pleasure of interviewing the talented author, TrushaJi. She is the author of several books on Wattpad including Not A Guardian Angel, My Guardian Reaper, You Won't Understand Me and several other stories.

Hello, I'm Dayeon from Crazy Late Nighters (feel free to just call me DY). You have been nominated by LINALOUICE for an interview. What name or pen name would you like to go by and what are your pronouns?

Hi DY, my name is Trusha.

My preferred pronoun is she. Thank you so much for asking this question about pronouns as it's always better to approach people this way. I appreciate you for that ❤️ It's better assuming things wrongly.

It's great to meet you, Trusha! And no worries, the last thing we wanna do is assume something like that!

Agreed! (responding to "it's better than assuming things wrongly").

Alright, let's get started. If you could describe yourself in a single sentence, what would it be?

Umm...bubbly, happy go lucky, "trying to stay in my own world bcuz the outside world is cruel" type of girl.

That's so relatable. I often find myself escaping from life where I can!

How did you get into writing in the first place and what drew you to it?

I actually found Wattpad in October 2019. I read many stories. Each of them was different in how the writer tried to show her imagination onto the virtual platform. So I was like "I would like to try that too"... And that's it. I talked with a fellow Wattpad friend who had already been writing books. She guided me through it and I wrote my first story in January this year.

I would like to thank her, @Kawaiisakura1992. Jie, you are awesome!

Wow that's really cool! So you haven't been on the platform for long then and you're already doing so well. It's always good to have friends to help out when it comes to writing.

Is there a particular author who's inspired you? I'd so, who?

Yeah, actually was an author named Endless infinity. She has written a lot of books and all of them are really very unique and nice to read. She is a really good author. I admire her a lot.

Oh, I haven't heard of her. What genre does she write?

She writes FanFiction with many other subgenres. There are a lot of emotions in her stories.

She sounds really cool!

Sometimes it can be really hard to find inspiration for a story; where do you get yours from?

Aah, that's so true. I find inspiration from the things around me. Say a cat or the rain. They are simple things but then my mind starts playing a story about "what if?" And then I think harder about it and it forms a plot line. But there are often times when like nothing happens. My brain just decides to go blank.

Wow, so your inspiration comes from the little things? That's interesting. I guess you'll get a whole lot of interesting stories that other people might not even think to dream of.

You said you write if the idea forms a plot line. Do you have any tips for keeping plots consistent?

I am sorry but I horribly fail at keeping plot lines consistent if the story goes too long. So I decided to make shorter stories that are either oneshots or things about 10 -15 chapters. The longer the plot, the harder it becomes to keep up with it. My mind cannot persist for too long and I began to think that the story might start dragging. I myself am a fan of fast-paced stories so I try to do that with my stories too. I really admire the authors who can write longer stories. It requires a lot of persistence, hardwork and willpower.

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