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Xérès Éveillé, from CLN, had the pleasure of interviewing the talented author, anonymousjesusfreak. She is the author of several books on Wattpad including Not By Sight, Keeping The Faith and They Elysian.

Hello anonymousjesusfreak how are you doing today? I'm Xérès Éveillé, an interviewer from the Crazy Late Nighters Community. One of your wonderful readers, Butterflywriter13 nominated you for an interview! I hope you're as excited about this as we are! I hope you're willing to give me some of your time! Let me know if you're okay with this and when you're free if you are!

Hi there! I'm doing pretty good and I'd love to!

I love your enthusiasm! Before we start, what would you like me to call you and what are your pronouns?

Feminine pronouns, and you can call me Gina.

Hello Gina! So, this is your first interview (or at least, on Wattpad) correct? How do you feel about it, especially since you're a nominated interviewee?

This is my first interview, and it feels little weird and exciting to be honest. I just have never done anything like this before so this is very new to me.

I see. Well, don't worry, this is going to go great! Can you give me some backstory about yourself Gina?

I'm a Hoosier (someone from Indiana) and a teen writer. I'm also a proud Latina and a Jesus freak (as you can see on my username). Nothing too exciting though!

Well, that may sound normal but I'm sure there's something unusual somewhere! What, in your opinion, are the perfect three words to sum up your personality?

Probably creative. Shy. Witty.

Interesting combination! Anyways, when did you first began writing and why?

I began writing about a year ago. I just really love to put words together to make up scenarios, give backstories about characters I make up in my head. I just absolutely love it

I can relate there, writing's a beautiful world! What was the inspiration for your stories in general?

My first book was actually inspired by a dream that I had. I truly didn't think it would get as far as it is now, which is another reason why it logged me a thrill to be doing this!

A dream? Sounds a bit like the beginning of Stephenie Meyer's writing career! Do tell me about it!

Well... I was on top of a building and I had a sword in my hand. There was a really nasty looking monster in front of me, the buildings around me were on fire, and I remember jumping off the building and stabbing this monster right in the chest. That's when I woke up. Pretty brutal, huh?

Sounds very heroic of you actually!

Oh, heh thank you. I think I ate too many hot Cheetos before bed that night

Well, it looks like it was, in a sense, a good decision! How long did it take for you to create a rough outline for the story?

I think a day or two for the very beginning. I just wrote it out as I went.

You're a pantser then? So am I! How did you come up with a suitable title for your storyline?

I thought about how my characters had to go through so much, that they needed to depend on their faith in God. There's a verse in the Bible that says, and I'm paraphrasing here, "Walk by Faith, and not by sight." Based off this I decided to name the first book Not By Sight, and the sequel would be Keeping the Faith.

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