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Xérès Éveillé, from CLN, had the honor of interviewing an amazing author, victoriaStephan. She is the author of Temples and Tablets: the Eyes of the Jaguar and Your Weight in Gold.

Hello victoriaStephan I'm Xérès Éveillé, an interviewer from the Crazy Late Nighters Community. One of your wonderful readers, Krippy93 nominated you for an interview! Before we begin, what pen name or name would you like to go by and what is your preferred pronoun?

Call me Victoria and she/her is fine! I am excited! This is kind of a surprise to me but of course, I'd love to be interviewed! Thank you for doing this.

It's my pleasure, Victoria. You have a really beautiful name by the way, it's quite classical. How are you doing today?

Thank you! I'm doing great, how are you?

I'm doing good as well! Would you mind telling me a little bit about yourself, Victoria?

I'm a university student myself, having spent the past few months in front of my laptop in pajamas being at 'school'. Anyway, I'm a newbie writer who just started writing on Wattpad this year. I like to read fun things and my absolute favorite trope is time travel!

You like time travel? That is so cool! And for a newbie writer, your writing is certainly quite smooth! But I'd like a little insight into you as a person, Victoria. How would you describe yourself?

I just find it (time travel) an enjoyable way to add some history to things. Thanks for the compliment by the way! Now to describing myself: A bit slow and I just love the ridiculous!

I'm really enjoying your sense of humor! Do you incorporate it into your stories?

Thank you and yes, I very much try to be humorous in my stories. Basically, all of them are tagged as such!

I must say you make them sound incredibly interesting! Say, what kind of stories do you usually write about?

Well here it gets kind of tricky: I mean the main things you can always find are humor, a bit of adventure, a dash of mystery and some good ol' history. I'm a huge fan of slow burn romance so in none of my works has it come to fruition yet. I mean in some it's not even on the horizon. Also it might be good to know that my 2nd book on Wattpad is an interactive adventure story in the Panamanian jungle.

I pity your readers, they must be so anxious!

I don't think it's that bad though, at least since the stories aren't mainly romance!

Well, we'll just have to wait for their responses, won't we, though I'm sure they'll be enjoying your story too much to mind! I've always been curious about interactive stories. How do you go about writing one?

It involves a lot of planning; I can tell you that. But first you need an idea that you like and that can be well developed. I went a very classic route with a jungle adventure and a search for an ancient temple but still it's quite hard! Nevertheless, it's so much fun to write since I gave myself the creative freedom of being as ridiculous as possible! There are just so many different ways to fall into a snake pit, I can't stop making it happen!

Which is a good thing! Whoa, sounds interesting, especially about the many different ways one can fall into a snake pit! I'm assuming you have to carry out a lot of research for this so how long does it take for you to come up with a rough outline?

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