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Sapphire, from CLN, had the pleasure of interviewing an amazing author, nnaj2004  Nuna is the author of several books on Wattpad including I'll Steal You From Dad, The only one for me and several more.

So let me introduce myself first. I am Sapphire, one of the interviewers from the Crazy Late Nighters Community. InfinityLM44 nominated you to be interviewed. What pen name would you like to go by?

You can call me Nuna :-)

Such an adorable name! Okay Nuna, when did you realize that you wanted to be a writer?

To be honest, I never wished to be a writer. I wanted to be a video editor but my skills were just not good enough... that's why I interpret everything into a story. I started to feel like writing a story after I watched some fan made videos on YouTube.

Oh so instead putting your thoughts into videos, you decided to write it instead? And may I ask what is in the fan made videos that inspired you into making stories?

Yup. I poured all of my ideas into words. Some fan made videos of Xiao Zhan and Yibo from Channel NodeZero on YouTube. It had some manga that I read, so I combined both of them and made it into a story.

That is creative, I must say. Considering that one of your fans nominated you to be interviewed, I guess your talent and skills in writing is good! Well then, what is the first thing that comes into your mind whenever you decide to write a book?

I think my writing is just so-so. I still lack many things when it comes to writing. Whenever I want to write a book I think, 'are my readers gonna like this kind of story or genre?' And I also think about how I'm going to end the story. If I know how to start and how to end, only then will I write it.

That's so considerate of you to think of your readers and to think about what is suitable for them before writing your story. Going back to what you said before, you mentioned how you lacked many things when it came to writing. What are those things that you think you're lacking in?

I've been writing fanfic so far but never write my own original story or my own characters. One day, I want to create my own character. Besides, my vocabulary and range of knowledge is not that wide. I love historical stories but I could never write one because I don't know how to describe the environment and situations during those certain time periods.

And yes, I plan everything first because I'm afraid that I might suddenly lose the ideas on how to continue the story. I know how frustrating it is when I like a certain story, then the writer suddenly drops it. I just hate it and I don't want my readers to feel the same about my stories.

You're a really sweet person and you certainly will make your own characters someday. Don't give up with historical stories, even though they're a little hard to write, they are addicting to read!

My next question for you is: what are your ups and downs that you encountered when writing or just plainly you encountered as a writer and how did you get through it?

For the ups, I feel really happy when my stories receive good feedback.

For the downs, sometimes I feel kinda lost about where to continue my story or I have writer's block. I still force myself to write by rereading everything again to grasp the flow of the story.

Other than that, I have some impatient readers. I always tell my readers that I'm having an exam, or maybe I was busy but still some of them are forcing me to update. Most of the time I ignore it because some of my other readers will respond on my behalf.

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