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Sapphire, from CLN, had the opportunity to sit down with the lovely author, Coolcourtney5.  She is the author of several stories on Wattpad incuding This IS My Reality, Cry of fear, Kindred Spirit and several others.

Hello! I am Sapphire, one of the interviewers from the Crazy Late Nighters Community. What pen name and pronouns would you like to go by?

My name is Courtney, and I'm a female. Feel free to use she/her.

Nice! Courtney it is. My first question is, if you could describe writing in just 3 words, what would they be and why?

Who You Are.

I chose these three words because this is what I always remind everyone to do. Put your heart into writing, put a piece of yourself into the words you use.

When you said "put a piece of yourself into the words you use", does that mean that in the stories you made, there were some scenes that were inspired by true life events (e.g. moments that happened in your real life)?

Life events, thoughts, opinions, character likes, dislikes, appearances. Putting a piece of yourself into your words, your story could mean something different to us all. For me, this means each story I write, I take inspiration from many things that make up who I am, and what I've been through, or something I believe in.

Wow, that is something so valuable that should be treasured by your readers and fans. You truly pour all your heart when it comes to writing.

What are your other hobbies? What made writing different from all other activities you love doing?

When I was young, I attended a school that gave up on me since day one. They labeled me 'useless' due to my disability, and never bothered to help me, or work with me. I'm visually impaired, and my eyesight is pretty bad, very bad actually. I always loved to make up stories, but because I couldn't write, or read thanks to the poor teaching at my school, I had to create my stories in a different way.

I would create and sing songs that tell the stories I had invented. I would draw pictures of the scenes I could see in my mind, because I couldn't put them into words.

Finally, I moved schools, my parents didn't want me to grow up thinking I was incapable of doing things. My new school was beyond amazing, and they taught me to read, to write, they taught me everything I needed to learn. It was hard for me, and honestly at first I didn't want to do the work.

So my teacher told me to write stories I created on my own, short ones that she would read. Her kind words, her encouragement helped me discover my love of writing and stories.

What makes my writing different from other things I love is that it saved me. It helped me get out my emotions and fears in a healthy way. My writing is ALL meaningful and personal to me. What makes my writing different is that it's mine, the words are mine, the heart behind it is my own. I have full creative freedom, and I work every day to improve my skills.

I still love to sing, to draw, and I will always love video games, but writing will forever be special to me.

Indeed, you didn't let your eyesight hinder you from doing things you really love, especially writing. Well, about your eyesight, there were a lot of disadvantages that it put you through. However, if I may ask, does that visual impairment has its perks?

Yes, yes there is a huge advantage. I see the world in a different way, and the people in it. I don't have to rely on my eyes to see if someone is genuine, I can't judge anything based on appearance. I feel like I see things in a completely different way, and I wouldn't change it for the world.

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