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Karen, from CLN, had the honor of interviewing  the lovely author, Alysporty  Aly is the author of My heart in lyrics, Parallel, Nobody and We are the virus.

I'm Karen. What name or pen name would you like to go by?

It's very nice to meet you, Karen. You can call me Alysporty or just Aly for short, doesn't really matter.

It's nice to meet you, Alysporty. When did you first start writing and what inspired you to write?

Well, if I am to be honest at first, I hated writing or reading, but I knew it was needed for school and that gave me the will to try it out. It started small, reading children books and fairytales. Oh, how I just loved a good old fairytale. As I exercised more and more, it became a habit that I will read for an hour after school. I didn't even realize it, but my imagination slowly became a show, and I started wondering and dreaming of princesses and fairies. But truly, I didn't start to love reading until I came across J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. Like any other kid I loved to imagine myself as a part of the book, and how it would have been if I could do magic. J.K. Rowling's books really inspired me to dream and to not put limits to myself or my imagination. After that a year passed and I started getting my own ideas for stories and poems, like this making the urge to write come along in my life.

J.K Rowling is an inspiration for many. How is your writing different from others?

I don't really know what to say here. I think that my imagination really makes the difference. It's weird how I haven't been completely clueless when it came to taking a particular lesson from a story. I usually had my guesses right, but I admit I can be mistaken, since every person can take a different conclusion from a story. It's not really what makes my writing different; it's what makes my stories different. I try to put a valuable lesson in every piece of writing I do, trying to make the world better and to make people understand, so that everyone can see the good part in things.

It's really great to hear that you are trying to make this world a better place with your stories. How many stories have you written, and which one is your favorite and why?

Well, I haven't really written many, since I only started to write seriously a year ago. My collection of stories are basically short stories, and some that I have written when I was very small, around second grade, I am yet to publish here on Wattpad. If you count how many books are still ongoing (though most I am waiting to finish before publishing here), you would get around four or five that I try to keep up with, and construct, though there are much more, except those are only just started. When it comes to which one is my favorite, I can't say for sure because new ideas for stories more amazing than the others are just popping in my mind; a big reason why sometimes it takes more time to finish one, science I am debating whether or not to abandon it, though many times it's just postponed.

That's impressive that you have written stories in second grade. At least with ideas always popping into your head, you'll never be without a story to write. How do you come up with ideas for your stories?

It's no science, if any people are wondering. Getting an idea for a story does take me almost an hour, since I usually play the beginning of it in my head. I know that my head goes into the clouds many times, but I can't really help it. The time when I get most of my ideas is at night, because it takes me a few hours to fall asleep, and because of that I try to make the best of my time by thinking. Usually I try to start a dream, and just think of a storyline. Sometimes it's not very original, and many times the ideas are weird, but I still manage to select what I want to dream. After that I just go with the flow, not knowing where my imagination leads exactly, and play as one of the characters in the story. This is basically how I got my latest idea for a book, that I hope I will start writing soon.

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