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Dayeon, from CLN, had the chance to sit down with KavyaAgnihotri. Kavya is the amazing author of Born Warrior (XianWang Version), His Rakasha Bandhan and many others.

Hey, I'm Dayeon from Crazy Late Nighters and you've been nominated by MePotatHajabarbie and exxangel to do this interview. Thank you so much for taking the time to do it!

Before we start, what name or pen name do you go by and what are your pronouns?

My name is Kavya Agnihotri and I am a girl. So the pronoun is she of course. XD

If you had to describe yourself in one sentence, what would it be?

It's really a very tough question for me. Well, I can say I am cheerful and bubbly but. . .more or less my character is like Wei Wuxian.

How did you get into writing in the first place?

I started writing about 10 years ago (probably), I don't remember the age. At that time I was reading a poem by Rabindranath Tagore and my teacher told me that he started writing at a very young age of 12 years. So I was like...when he can write then why can't I. So I decided to write my first poem at the age of around 8 or 9 years.

exxangel would like to ask, how do you get such amazing ideas?

Ahhh well. . .actually I have watched a lot of fantasy movies and cartoons and read a lot of fantasy books when I was a kid. So I just pen down my wild imagination and fantasies and it forms a story.

The question from Hajabarbie is: what inspired you to write Lavanya?

I strongly believe in feminism and my strong love for the historical fiction genre made me write Lavanya. I feel like there is no work that a man can do but a woman cannot. Even women can do what men cannot do like conceiving, taking care of a whole family, raising kids, etc. I am just using this concept of women empowerment in my story Lavanya. What made me write Lavanya is that people think that women are weak, and they are always inferior to men. So I just want to portray that women aren't weak since historical times but if they want, then they can be more powerful and dangerous than men.

Does music play a role in your writing process at all?

It's a big NO *crosses both hands to show a big no.* Because I generally listen to high beat songs and once I start to play those songs, my body starts to move according to that beat and I end up dancing like crazy. While writing I try to focus on emotions and details, so I avoid listening to music while writing. Hehe *awkward smile*

Do you plan before you write, or do you prefer to just jump straight in?

I really prefer to plan the whole plot before I write. Because without planning, my story won't turn out well. Actually, I even have experience with it. While writing Love With Cold Heart, I jumped straight into writing without doing any planning and I had to pay the price because of this. While writing that story, I was running out of ideas since I didn't plan the entire plot beforehand. Even I thought of giving up on that story but after one of my readers requested me to update, I decided to continue it. I am really really thankful to that reader.

So generally I plan the entire plot and do the entire character sketch before writing so that I won't have troubles while writing and face writer's block which is like a nightmare for a writer.

What appealed to you about the genre of fanfic?

Well, I generally write stories of romance, action, LGBTQ, and historical fiction. These are my favorite genres. But I write stories of fanfiction because I am madly in love with the actors of The Untamed drama - Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan. So I cannot help but to stan them. Hehe *smiles goofily*

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