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Black Hole had the chance to sit down with Jade_writesalot.  Jade is the the author of Cooking With The QB, Chasing The Stars and The Transfer.

Hi! I'm Black Hole, your interviewer from the Crazy Late Nighters Community. What name do you prefer for yourself that your readers and we should call you? It can be a nickname or your real name whatever you like. Also, what pronoun do you prefer?

Everyone calls me Jade! I've not really got any nicknames, to be honest. She/her works for pronouns.

Oh, that's great Jade. It's a nickname itself. So, how many books or drafts have you written so far yet and how many of them have you published? Also, which ones are your most favorite? Have you ever had a very awesome idea that you never wrote down on paper?

I think I've written about 10 drafts but never published them! I've got 3 existing books on Wattpad published which will hopefully grow soon. I usually have small plot ideas randomly and never write it down but I've got notes on my phone so if I get an idea, I try to write it down as soon as possible.

That's really nice that you make notes. Have you ever created a huge plot from those small notes? And from where do you think you mostly get those ideas from? Do you get them from your dreams?

The whole of Chasing the Stars was based of little notes! It was a combination of ideas that came to me. I've had lots of ideas come to me from music which I find hugely influential. There's lots of different things, it's usually a random process - which makes it a lot more exciting!

Do you like listening to music while writing? What's your favorite song? And what's the biggest difference you usually see in your writing when you're listening to music than when you're not?

I love listening to music when I'm writing! Right now, my favorite song is Hard feelings/Loveless by Lorde but it's usually anything calm whilst writing! I don't see a big difference in my writing style if I don't listen to music, but my concentration won't last as long so it helps to have it on.

What was the best review or comment you ever got on your book? Do you remember it? And what positive impact did you have on your book?

I've been lucky enough to have loads of supportive readers so I can't choose a single one specifically! I find comments that know the characters/plot well mean a lot to me as it shows they've really connected with the book, which is great to hear

Is there no comment that was so nice that you still remember it? Or any comment that might've made you change any of your stories?

I actually took a photo of this comment because it completely made my day! Wattpad can be a hectic place sometimes but there's always people like this that make it worth it. I try not to let comments affect my story as I feel like the plot should remain as authentic as possible.

 I try not to let comments affect my story as I feel like the plot should remain as authentic as possible

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