Pass out prank

22 1 0

Where Luke is a YouTuber and Ashton is his boyfriend.

Setting up the small camera, I whispered quietly doing my introduction making sure my fiancé Ashton didn't hear me. He was currently in the kitchen doing god knows what but that created a perfect opportunity for me to prank him for my channel.

He had just got back from work, and he hadn't seen me yet as he hadn't been into the living room were I was. So to 'set the scene', I quickly curled up in the corner of the sofa and wrapped a blanket around myself, pretending to be asleep.

Hearing Ashton pad into the room, I tried to look natural knowing I had succeeded when the brunette crouched down beside me and ran a hand through my wavy hair. He kissed my clammy forehead due to the jumper and woolly blanket I had on.

Laying still for a while, I continued acting only sitting up when Ash turned the TV off and scooted towards me.

"Hey babe, you okay? You feel quite warm" he said softly kissing my cheek

I hummed in response slowly massaging my temples.

"Headache?" Ashton asked cocking his head slightly

I nodded

He then got up to get some medicine for me. Waiting for him to come back, I tried to figure out when to pass out but knew I had my opportunity when he shouted "which ones do you need baby?"

"I'm coming" I replied before slightly pushing the coffee table so I didn't hit my head and actually lose consciousness and pretended to faint, my impact with the floor being loud enough to hear from the kitchen.

"Luke?!" Ashton shouted from the kitchen

Not hearing a reply, he ran into the living room dropping down next to me, and pressing two fingers to my wrist, him sighing in relief when he felt my pulse.

"Lu?" He said trying to wake me but obviously no avail.

I could hear him start to panic, and I felt a bit guilty but continued anyway. He picked up my wrist, my body limp. He raised it and then let go, swearing profusely when it just dropped to the floor.

I decided I should 'come around' now and quickly shot you my chest heaving.

"Whoa steady" Ashton said guiding me up onto the couch and tucking my head into his neck as I made myself sway.

"You okay?" He asked

"Mhm" I replied

I pretended to fall asleep on his shoulder, as he gently rubbed my back, humming quietly. Sighing, I tapped him on the shoulder. Seeing him give me his attention I said "I just pranked you babe"

"What?" He asked confused

I stood up and grabbed the camera laughing as Ashton started to grumble.

"Sorry Ashy but I had to" I said kissing him gently

"Whatever" he said grumpily nuzzling into my neck.

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