Eating disorder

66 2 15

What happens when Ashton's boyfriend Luke finds out about his eating disorder
"Ashton dinners ready" I heard my boyfriend of almost 7 years shout from downstairs. I sighed and didn't move I hated eating I mean it's a waste of time. All it does is it makes you fat. I'm too fat already, so I decided to stay where I was sprawled on our bed.

Five minutes later I heard Luke clomping up the stairs so I quickly pretended to be asleep. He perched on the edge of the bed and sighed.

He ran a hand through my hair and pecked my chapped lips.

"Wake up babe" he whispered as he rubbed my side. I groaned and sat up to see my giraffe of a boyfriend smiling dopily at me. I gave a small smile at that and pecked him on the lips like he did seconds ago.

I snuggled up to him with a sniffle as my allergies were playing up due to the pollen outside, however if I could convince him I wasn't well maybe he wouldn't make me eat.

He frowned, and asked "what's wrong ashy? Are you sick sweetheart?"

I made my eyes water as I get sensitive when I'm sick and replied with a half-hearted shrug of my shoulders.

Luke then wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head.

"C'mon honey, you might feel better if you eat something" Luke muttered quietly.

I didn't answer and just let Luke carry me downstairs and sit me on the sofa. I made grabby hands at him as he went to go into the kitchen probably to get the food he made.

He looked at me with sympathy and said "two seconds baby boy" and soothingly kissed my temple.

He stumbled back out of the kitchen, struggling to hold the two bowls full of spaghetti while I once again faked sleeping. He placed the bowls gently down on the coffee table beside me and sunk into the soft blanket cocoon I had snuggled myself into.

He shook my shoulder and I sat up looking disorientated. He chuckled at me and sat one of the bowls in my lap.

Spaghetti is my favourite, he knows that, but the thought of eating it makes me feel sick to my stomach.

I grimaced at it and swirled my fork around the bowl and set it back on the table. Luke watched me do this and he sighed when I sat back on the couch.

"You really don't feel good huh?" He asked

I shook my head no. He pouted at me and said "do you want me to make you some soup?". I again shook my head.

"What do you want then Ash, you need to eat" he mused while eating a forkful of his meal. This time instead of shaking my head I ran upstairs to our bedroom and locked the door. I had kept my disorder from him for years and he wasn't about to find out now.

He soon followed me and banged on the door once he realised it was locked.

"Ashton let me in"


"Ash babe please" he yelled desperately his voice cracking.

At this point I had tears streaming down my face at the prospect of Luke finding out. He would break up with me for sure.

Somehow he managed to unlock the door from the outside and ran to me where I was huddled in the corner crying my eyes out.

He was quick to haul me onto his lap and cradle me like a baby. I fought to get out of his grasp but he wouldn't budge.

"Why are you crying ash?"

"Is it because I said you had to eat something? You don't have to if you feel sick darling" Luke asked tentatively.

I gulped and whispered under my breath "I'm too fat to eat". Luke heard me and his head snapped up. "Are you joking ash look at you, you're so skinny If anything you need to eat more babe" he replied, disbelief in his voice.

I started to cry heavier at that and tried to pull away, but Luke was persistent to hold me until the tears stopped. We sat there for what felt like years, but I finally stopped crying.

"You're not actually sick are you?" He asked knowingly. I timidly shook my head while he frowned at me.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked quietly.

"Tell you what?" I snapped.

"That you have an eating disorder"

"Oh I don't know" I said sarcasm dripping from my voice.

"I'M A GODDAMN FREAK LUKE THATS WHY!" I screamed as him and ran downstairs.

Again Luke was quick to follow me. I flinched when he tried to pull me to his chest.

"Babe your not scared of me are you?" He whispered sounded heartbroken.

"No" I said shakily.

He sighed in relief and pulled me to him. I kissed him gently on the lips as he pulled me to the couch. I snuggled into his side as he rested his head a top of mine.

"I love you baby, I'll help you get better yeah?"he asked.

"I love you too Lu, and yes I'll let you help me"

He smiled happily at my reply and pulled me impossibly closer.

"Night Lu Lu"

"Night Ash"

Not that anyone reads this......

How are you all?

Does anyone have any prompts?


Abbie xx

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