Happy Endings

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I was still sat in the hospital next to my little brother Ashton. He had been diagnosed with cancer a while ago, it was incurable. The waiting game I was currently playing was awful.

It pained me so much to sit there while he was asleep wondering if he would wake up, or how long he had left. He was the only one I had and I swore when mum died from cancer that I would protect him at all costs. My dad had got himself arrested so I was responsible for Ash.

He was like a ray of sunshine. He would never let his illness get him down and he loved stories with happy endings. That's what made me smile about him. He just loved the bright side of things.

"Lukey?" Ashton giggled pulling me from my daydreaming.

"Yeah?" I answered immediately putting on a happy voice. He didn't need to know I was worried, and what he didn't know didn't hurt him.

"Read me a story" he asked his eyes lighting up as I pulled out his favourite.

As I started reading, I did silly voices for the characters making Ash laugh all the way through but suddenly Ashton went completely quiet. Quickly abandoning the book, I looked at Ash. He was crying.

"Lu it hurts to breathe, I don't wanna die" he said hysterically

I knew he didn't have long left. It broke my heart to know he was going to leave me any minute now. Pulling him onto my lap I cradled him tightly to my chest.

"I love you so much sunshine" I sobbed kissing his forehead gently.

"Love you too Lukey" he rasped

He then went limp in my arms as a nurse rushed in. I let go of his lifeless hand and ran out of the hospital.

I ran to our cliff. The picnics we had there I treasured, he was my sunshine but now he was gone, my world was dark. Walking to the edge of the cliff I prepared myself to jump.

I took one last breath and closed my eyes before jumping into the black abyss below. Maybe happy endings didn't exist.

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