Stomach Bug

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Luke is Ashton's husband and he gets sent home sick from work, he is a teacher Ashton is a singer.
I woke up to the sound of the alarm clock blaring loudly next to me. Ashton my husband of five years groaned next to me and shut off the alarm. I stayed bundled up in the quilt.

"Baby, wake up" Ash said quietly shaking my shoulder. He stretched and padded to the bathroom to get ready. I waited till the brunette was finished as there wasn't any point in me getting out of bed until he had.

Once he re-entered the room, I made an attempt to get out of bed but I suddenly went light headed and fell back down. Luckily Ashton caught me before I did. He sat me back down on the bed and crouched down in front of me.

He frowned and felt my forehead.

"How are you feeling baby boy? You're forehead is quite warm sweetheart" he asked concerned.

By now a strong headache had kicked in and I felt very nauseous. I groaned in response and put my head in my hands. Ashton sighed.

"Stay put honey" he said as he stood up from his crouched position and walked out of the bedroom.

He returned with two white pills clasped in his fist and a glass of water in the other. He coaxed my hands from my head and placed the glass and pills in my clammy hands.

I took them silently and dropped my head back into my palms. Ash pouted and rubbed my back soothingly.

"Babe I have to go for that interview soon, will you be okay to go to work?" Ash whispered softly.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, just a headache that's all" I replied with a small smile. I hated lying to him.

"Alright" he said before pecking my lips and going to work.

~time skip to Luke's third class of the day~

I sat at my desk wearily, my headache not any better and the sicky feeling in my stomach rapidly worsening. I had been okay so far as today I had the year sevens and eights first, them being the most well behaved ones. But now I had the year elevens who were just well... teenagers I guess.

Thank god I had Mr Clifford the assistant teacher to help out. And to top it all of I had left my glasses at home.

I was only halfway through the lesson and I had already shouted at Calum Hood five times, he was the worst behaved of the lot. The yelling did nothing to improve my headache, so I just gave them the textbooks and told them to revise in hopes they would shut up but no avail.

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in my abdomen that made me want to throw up so I re-adjusted my sitting position to ease the pain which in turn made it ten times worse.

I felt the burn of bile rising up my throat so I ran to the toilets, the students all raising a ruckus at my actions.

My knees buckled in front of the toilet as my vomit splashed into the bowl. Once I finished, I flushed the toilet and rinsed my mouth clear of the horrible taste that resided there.

I then went to the school's reception and signed myself out. The drive home seemed to be endless but when I finally got home I passed out on the bed not having the energy to get changed.

Ashton's POV
I checked my phone again for about the fifth time in the last ten minutes. I was really concerned about Luke, even though he brushed his pain off to a headache I still had my doubts.

Suddenly, my phones ringtone played and I quickly answered the phone.

(Ash is normal, the school is bold)

"Hello, this is Ashton correct?"

"Yes, who is this?"

"Hi Ashton, this is Addie from Grensgrove secondary, your husband Luke has just signed out sick and I thought I'd let you know"

"Okay thanks"

I hung up

I started to panic then. I couldn't leave Luke alone at home when he clearly wasn't well. He never stays at home sick, he's too stubborn.

I ran towards my manager Brian.

"Bri can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Course Ashton, what's up?" He asked remains of a laugh still evident in his features.

"Luke has called home sick, he wasn't great this morning an- I started but was cut off from my stammering by Brian.

"Go look after him Ash, I'll reschedule the interview" he stated calmly

"What about the fans?" I stressed

"Luke is more important" he said before walking over to the camera crew.

I nodded and ran out to the car park, and quickly drove home probably speeding.

I walked into the bedroom to see a clearly ill Luke passed out on the bed. Sighing sadly, I walked over to him and felt his clammy forehead. I pulled my hand away in surprise, he was boiling.

Pulling the window open I heard a croaky "ash?" from behind me. I turned around to see Luke sat up on the bed.

"Hey darling, lay back down babe" I said

He shook his head no, and bolted to the bathroom. Before I could even enter the bathroom, I heard the sound of the sickly blond retching loudly; vomit barely staying in the toilet bowl.

I winced and pulled his long hair back into a man-bun. I then kneeled beside him and rubbed his back comfortingly. Once he had stopped dry-heaving, he leaned back on my chest. I carefully flushed the toilet and helped Luke rinse his mouth out.

"Oh Lu" I sighed sympatheticly.

He groaned in pain as I picked him up and carried him back to the bed. Moving the bin next to him, I stripped him down to his boxers to cool his searing hot skin.

I kissed his forehead and went to go downstairs and leave him in peace. However Luke had other ideas. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back on the bed.

"Stay" he rasped

I chuckled at his attempt to talk and spooned him from behind. I kissed his curls and fell asleep, joining Luke in dreamland.

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