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[Private chat between Lancey and Keithy]

Lancey: shit shit shit

Keithy: why're you waking me up?

Lancey: it's 1pm

Keithy: I was sleeping

Lancey: why??

Keithy: I didn't sleep all bight

Lancey: but wHy?

Keithy: idk, insomnia?

Lancey: hm. Anyways, my abuelita's coming into town

Keithy: so what

Lancey: she's so strict

Keithy: okkk?

Lancey: Ugh she's staying for like 3 weeks

Keithy: elaborate

Lancey: she won't let me leave the house or let anyone come over

Keithy: just tell her to fuck off

Lancey: yah well I can't do that

Keithy: why not

Lancey: you ignorant slut

Keithy: no need to insult me

Lancey: I can't tell her to fuck off she'll fucking beat my ass

Keithy: then sneak out or sneak people in

Lancey: but what if she finds out?

Keithy: tell her to fuck off

Lancey: keithhhhhh

Keithy: whatttt

Lancey: I can'tttttttt

Keithy: okkkkk then just make she she doesn't find out

Lancey: wanna come over tomorrow?

Keithy: is ur abuelita gonna be there?

Lancey: yeh I'm feelin' wild

Keithy: lol ok I'll come

Lancey: yayyyyy see you tomorrow <3

Keithy: bye <3

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