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[Private chat between Keith's and Keef]

Keith's: hey there

Keef: hi lance

Keith's: wanna hang out?

Keef: sure! Wanna come over?

Keith's: ok! I'll be there in like 20 minutes

Keef: ok :)))

Keith's: :))))

Keef: :)))))

Keith's: :))))))

Keef: :))))))))

Keith's: :)))))))))

Keef: :))))))))))

Keith's: :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Keef: ok, you win

Keith's: I'll see you soon <3

When Lance sends a heart, Keith's flutters. It's weird.

Soon enough, Lance arrived at Keith's and Keith greeted him with a hug.

"Hi Keith!" Lance smiled widely and walked towards Keith's room.

They went to the room and sat on the bed. They talked, as usual and told jokes.

"Wanna listen to music?" Lance asked.

"Ok, your's or mine?"

"Mine, your's is probably super emo" he said as he pulled out his phone. He opened the Spotify app and started his playlist.

The fist song to come up was Britney Spears, if you seek Amy. Lance gasped and smiled.

"It's one of my favourite songs!" He said.

"A 2010 song?" Keith giggled.

"Oh baby baby have you seen any tonight" he sang. Lance knew all the lyrics, which was surprising to Keith.

"Do you know what the song is about?" Keith laughed

"Seeking Amy?" Lance asked

"Gosh you are so innocent" Keith chuckled and the next song came on.

Keith dropped on his back on his bed and looked at the ceiling. Lance did the same and they stared at the sticker stars that were on it.

"I wish I could go to space" Lance stated.


"Yeah," he started. He looked at Keith on his right and smiled "you could come with me" Keith chuckled. "The tales of Keith and Lance, explorers of the universe" Lance added.

"Yeah, I'll come"

"I really like hanging out with you"

"Me too, Lance"

"I- argh never mind"

"Hm ok. What would you do in space?" Keith said.

"I'd like to defend it"

"Really? How?"

"I don't know, maybe it could be Pidge, Hunk, Shiro you and me. We could be a team"

"We would make a good team," he looked at Lance "you and me" they smiled and looked back at the ceiling above.

"Maybe we'd meet aliens"

"Probably" Keith chuckled

"Or it could be just you and me" Lance said.

Keith looked at him and smiled.
"Yeah, it could"

"We could be like 'team purple' or something"

"Why purple?" Keith chuckled

"You're red, I'm blue. That makes purple"

"Hm. We could go save planets"

"Yeah, we'd save millions of lives"

"No, billions"

Lance laughed and sat up as he felt something touch his toes. He looked at his feet and saw the animal.

"You have a cat!?" He yelled.

"Yes? You've never met her?"


"Her name's red"

"She could be a giant cat in space and we'd travel on her back" Lance said. Keith chuckled and picked up the cat.

"Yeah. We could fight evil aliens in super cool suits too" Lance nodded and grabbed the cat.

"That'd be nice" Lance smiled.

"Hold on, I wanna take a picture of you with the cat!" Keith said. He grabbed his phone and opened the camera. He took a few pictures and showed them to Lance.

"Ugh I don't look good in this" he said

"Yes you do, you look super cute!" Keith said. Lance blushed and smiled.

"Thanks" he let the cat go and layed back down on the bed.

"I wish I could go in space with you"

Lance looked at him and smiled. He sat up and put his head on Keith's shoulder.
"We will in my dreams" Lance said. Keith chuckled and smiled. Keith layed on his back. Lance followed and put his head on Keith's arm. He put his his arm around Keith's body and closed his eyes.

It was peaceful. The slight light coming from the window made Lance look even more pretty. It made his skin glow and his hair look soft and shiny. He played with Lance's hair. It was even softer than he expected.

This is nice

"Hey Lance?" Keith asked, the other boy hummed in response. "Do you wanna stay over?" He said.

"Ok" Lance said. Keith smiled and sighed in relief.

"Uh Lance? I think I should tell you something" he said.

"Yes?" Lance didn't move, it was such a perfect position.

"I'm trans" Keith's heart was beating extra fast.

"Ok" Lance said.

"Oh that's it?"

"Yeah, it's ok you're trans"

"Oh thanks Lance" he put all his attention back in cuddling Lance and being with him. Lance smiled and dug his head deeper into Keith's side. He was wearing a comfy hoodie.

They fell asleep and skipped diner. The night was peaceful, Lance did, indeed, dream of being in space with Keith. It was fun.

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